A pervert with a plan.

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 "I better go check on him," Indara grabbed one of his few shirts, a blank white t-shirt, put it on, and ran after his little brother leaving me alone in the tent. I grabbed up one of Indara's over the head hoodies and put it on while poking my head out the tent. Indara had his little brother against one of the millions of trees around us, saying something inaudible to me from that distance. Tears started to rain down Jacks face when Indara put him down, I had to do something but I still didn't have any pants on. I ran to Jack just in Indara's hoodie and patted his head softly telling him to stop crying. I could hear Indara growling behind me,

"Indara cool it. You just made your little brother cry." I glared at Indara as he looked down at what I was wearing and ran off back to our tent. I continued to confort Jack until the tears just stopped, the whining stopped, he was still. I put my hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat, it was at a normal rate, not sped up from the crying. Jack gave me a sly smile as he grabbed my face and kissed me and I felt something else tackle me and Jack from behind. It was Indara. I was sandwiched between Indara and Jack, both quite good looking young men. I try to roll away but Indara had his arms on either side of me and Jack had his arms around my waist, almost like they planned this.

"Nice job little bro." Indara kissed my cheek and quickly high fived his little brother, they did plan this! My face was pressed into Jack's while Indara was nibbling lightly on my neck.

"Indara get off your girlfriend and brother." It was Leona! She was here to save me! The weight on my back lifted and Jack made a face before letting me go. I got up and ran behind Leona fearing for my innocence.

"Damn it Leona. We were just having some helpless fun." Indara had a blank expression on his face and I heard a low growl come from Leona,

"Helpless fun," Leona sounded mad and I could feel her anger radiate off her body, "You were about to traumatize this poor girl again!" Indara crossed his arms across his chest and looked over to his brother. Jack stumbled and did the same as his brother, copying all his movements as they walked closer to me and Leona, splitting to each side of us. I clung to Leona closer as she turned to face them again, keeping me behind her the whole time. By this time there was a crowd around us watching everyone's every move.

"Now Leona, Kanna is my own girlfriend. I can't even hold her now?"

"Hold her? You and your brother just tried to take away her innocence!" Leona was barking at them with foul words making them back down as the claws on her hands got longer and sharper. Indara walked off back to the tent and Jack just stood in his spot blushing and fiddling with his fingers.

"Indara made me do that," Jack started walking towards me and Leona, "I'm sorry Kanna." Jack put his hand out but lowered it again when he say Indara running back to us. Jack ran off to the medical tent as Indara handed me something.
"Kanna, You can't continue walking around here without pants on." I took the black shorts from him and slipped them on quickly running back to the tent. I could hear whistling come from the crowd as I ran away.

"Stop staring at my girl!" Indara screamed and threw a rock at the one that wouldn't stop staring at me. A young boy with very short dark brown hair wearing a white tank top and black basketball shorts. I sat down on my side of the makeshift bed and tried to calm down. The flap to the tent opened and showed a very sad Indara.

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