Deciding Fate

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I woke up to me laying in Indaras lap with his hand on my stomach and him leaning over passed out.

"Indara?" His eyes opened immediately and he held me close.

"I'm so happy you are okay." I rubbed his cheek noticing the dried tears.

"What happened?" he looked hesitant to tell me exactly what happened but eventually told me,

"Landon's boyfriend stabbed you in the back. I was worried about you." I stared up at him in awe with only one question in mind.

"What happened to Landon and his lover?" Indara winced at my question and continued to be quiet.

"Indara please tell me." He was still quiet What did he do to them? Did he kill them? Did he expel them from the camp? I heard him mumble something unautoble and I grabbed his face making him look at me.

"Tell me or i'm leaving."

"I was going to give you a choice. Kill them both or have them hung. I don't want that filth in my camp anymore."

"Neither! I don't want anyone to die! It's fine I have been abused all my life, I am used to it!" He looked stunned but alert at the same time. He sighed after a minute of silence, and pointed to another tent close by.

"That's where they are right now. Let's go talk to them." I got up holding onto Indara as we walked over to the tent where there as two chairs, one sat Landon and the other sat his boyfriend. Landon looked up at me and scooted the chair back while his boyfriend on the other hand looked like he was going to murder me.

"I have come to say sorry for the harm I have cause and that you won't die anytime soon, but you will be treated with some disciplinary action." Landon smiled for once and his boyfriend punched him in the gut. I pulled them apart putting my body between them and I felt something grab my backside. I screamed and out of instinct I turned around and slapped the person that did it. It was Landon's boyfriend and Landon didn't seem please about it.

"I thought you said you felt to attraction to the female race since they are good for nothing Caleb."

"I couldn't help it, and I never said anything like that. You are the sexist prick here." Landon screamed a few curses at Caleb and stormed off out of the tent with Caleb looking pleased with what he did still sitting in his chair. Indara snaps out of his daze and grabs Caleb by the wrist.

"Caleb, what do you think you are doing touching my girl like that?" Caleb's expression didn't change as he threw Indara to the ground and got on top of him.

"Is she really your girl Indara?" Indara only looked up at me and gave me the is that true look. I went over to the boys and threw Caleb off Indara and helped him up.

"Of course I am Indara." It was much too early to say i'm Indara's girlfriend but I didn't want to hurt his feelings and make the little pervert on the floor behind me think he could continue his assault on me. Indara hugs me and orders Caleb back to his normal tent. Caleb walks out and to the left as Indara pulls my face towards his and plants a kiss on my lips and whispers in my ear,

"I love you Kanna. Thank you for coming back into my life." My eyes widened as I pushed him away a little after hearing this, Back into his life? When did I met Indara before?

"Oh, so there's where I heard the name before."

"Yuniki? Where have you been?"

"Reading a book in the medical tent, I have been right here the whole time you have just been choosing to mute me. Also, I figured out where we know the name Indara from, remember your first little crush on your best friend back in the 6th grade?" It's all coming back to me. Indara Insumi, my best friend and crush from the time I met him till 6th grade when he mysteriously disappeared. Six years of friendship. I just wanted to make sure this was the same Indara Insumi I think he is.

"Indara? What do you mean, Thank you for coming back into my life?"

"Oh? You don't remember your best friend after all these years? I guess not, I have changed a lot over the years." Indara rubs his sculpted chin and turns away from me looking at the ground. I grab his shoulder and give a nod of approval as he gives me a faint smile. After another hug Indara was off out of the tent, after a few minutes of trying to recover from what happened I walk out and feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going little girly?" It was Caleb again and he pulled me close to him by my waist. I pushed away from him but Caleb was much stronger than his ex boyfriend, I can tell which on was the dominant one in that relationship.

"I'm going back to my tent. Now let go of me Caleb." Caleb only tightens his grip and grabs my face so I couldn't avoid eye contact with his piercing kyanite like eyes.

"Don't you mean you are going to my tent girly?" He pulled my face closer until my vision went dark with only the sounds of Caleb screaming in pain. I squirmed around feeling the unfamiliar warmth behind me and the arm around me.

"Calm down i'm not going to hurt you. Indara has him pinned but I doubt you would want to see this." It was a girl and I recognized the voice. I calmed down and stopped swinging around trying to figure out who this girl was.

"Oh, we haven't been properly introduced. I guess this still isn't proper while i'm covering your eyes from your little boyfriend beating another man senseless. I am Leona, second in command for the west wing of the camp." I grabbed Leona's hand and moved it away from my face getting a good look at what was happening in front of me. Indara had Caleb pinned with the same blank stare he had while he was wrapping my hand from the small cut he made, but this was different. He had Caleb's arm bent completely behind him and a knife to his throat.

"Indara stop!" Indara only shaked his head and leaned close to Caleb's ear whispering something to him. Caleb only nodded his head in agreement and Indara slightly cut Caleb's neck before he put the knife back into his pocket and letting go of Caleb's arm. Caleb crawled out from under Indara with his neck dripping some blood. Indara only stood over Caleb as he got up and ran to the medical tent on the other side of the camp.

"Indara. What have you done?" Indara finally snapped back into reality and looked over at my tear drenched face with Leona standing behind me shaking her head. Indara looked down at the ground with the drops of Caleb's blood as tears dropped to the ground, Indara was shaking.

"I'm sorry kanna," Indara paused and whipped the tears from his face so he could look up at us before finishing what he was saying, "Leona, take her back to my tent." Leona nodded and picked my immobile body up, carrying me back to me and Indara's tent. Once we got to the tent Leona put me down on the makeshift bed and I immediately fell fast asleep. 

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