Love is in the air tonight.

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I woke up from the sound of footsteps in the tent, It was Indara.

"Indara," I rubbed my eyes and sat up before he made me lay back down, "What are you doing up so late?"

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier Kanna. I needed to be isolated for a while to think about what I did. A sort of self punishment, like when your parents put you in the corner when you were younger when you did something bad." I was too tired to understand why he disciplined himself like that so I only made a slight nod of agreement and rolled over to sleep again. I heard the sound of cloth running over itself with the shuffling of the blanket over me and arms wrap around me, this is when I realized I was half naked under the thick quilt as Indara pulled me close to his shirtless body. His chest was soft against my back and his body heat was keeping me warmer than the quilt could ever do. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep until I felt Indara's hot breath on my neck as he nibbled on my earlobe while rubbing my chest.

"Indara? What are you doing?" I was fully awake at this time and Indara stopped what he was doing.

"I was thinking we could have some fun but if you want me to stop I can."

"It's to early for this Indara." I reach up and cup Indara's cheek in my palm while he rubs his face into my hand.

"Alright lovely." Indara kisses my palm and lays back down behind me, his chest still against my back and his hot breath against my neck. I was finally able to fall back asleep after Indara moved up the bed so his breath wasn't against my neck.

As soon as I fall asleep Yuniki jumps on me,

"That's my girl!" I pushed her off of me and sat down at the little desk in the corner of the small room.

"I didn't do anything, It's Indara that wanted to, quote on quote, have some fun. I don't see the point of that kind of stuff." Yuniki's huge smile vanished as she grabbed my shoulders and shook me,

"What are you saying! This boy is the love of your life!"

"I doubt that." Yuniki let me go as I felt a pain in my ear.

"Seems like he wants you again, go get him tiger." Yuniki pushed me back out of the chair as I awoke to Indara nibbling on my earlobe yet again.

"Indara," I start rubbing my eyes again, "What are you doing?"

"Can I not love on my girlfriend?" Indara swayed his voice, he must have also just woken up. I move his face away from the side of mine and roll over so I can face him. His face and chest was pink as he looked up and down my body. Indara got on top of me throwing the blankets to the corner of the tent while rubbing my chest.

"Big bro, is this a good," Jack walked into the tent and immediately noticed what was happening here, "I will go now!" Jack's face got completely red as he ran out the tent. 

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