A Little Help

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Ashlyn POV

After she tells us everything's okay, and that we're wasting walking time, we start to go again. Little did I forget about her being covered in the thick, black slime from the imundo-sand that is stuck to her. I opened my bag and grabbed a blanket to wipe her off, but as I put it on her the stuff seemed to vanish into the air, leaving nothing but black smoke. It turned back into the vapor that compressed to kill her. We back away slowly, being careful not to touch it, and then start to try and regain the time we've lost by jogging down the path. After a while, everyone is tired and we've gone farther than we expected so we sit down under a tree and start to ration our things. We've got some bandages, matches, food, and blankets, a compass, some extra shirts, 6 canteens, a poncho, a map, and a first aid kit, but of course the one thing we're short on is water. All together we only have enough for about 2 days, which is a pretty big problem.

No one really feelslike dying of thirst, and that's when Grace helps us.

"I know!" She smiles. She reaches into her bag, and I have to restrain myself not from gasping.

She pulls out an all too familiar scarlet red bottle, labled 'iodine'. Usually, it's supposed to clean water, but after following her to her house I-

"We can clean water with it. There's got to be a river somewhere in here, and when we find it we can fill our canteens. No more water problem!" Grace says proudly. But behind the proudness, I see a scheme. I will not forget what I saw her do. Especially after the effect I saw.

"Hey! Look! There's a stream over there!" Cheryl calls. I don't see anything. "You can tell by the way the dirts darker over there, and the rains dried out by now. That means there's mud. Mud means a stream." I wouldn't have been able to figure that out on first glance. I take this as an opportunity.

"Yeah, because we're so close to a stream, we should, umm.. Split the water left between two people. How about me and Alex? We'll use the rest of the water and then when it runs out, we'll use the iodine too." The others nod. We go to the stream and collect the water, but I make sure I don't have any with the iodine. Because if I do, I know what I will suffer. I saw Grace-

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