Chapter 14

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Guys, I have an option for you guys!

It's either I do 'Falling for the guy' or 'our past'.

Just pick one. I won't tell you guys the description because both are different but whatever that sounds like a good title. Tell me, in the comments.


I just suddenly wanna do another one. Haha. 😅

I hold my anger by holding my fist real tight. I wouldn't want him to notice that I'm kinda jealous.

"Hey, you alright dude?"


"Yeah. I'm alright"

"You sure you are? It looks like you're mad or something"

"No, I'm fine"


Thank goodness.

We walked back over to Emily who was looking at her phone while waiting for us. She seems bored.


Cut it out Jason.

"Hey, why don't we watch a movie. My treat" he said, hoping that she would say yes in his eyes.


I knew it.

Emily's POV

It was so nice of Boston to watch a movie with us. H bought us some popcorn, drinks and even the movie ticket.

And he allowed me to pick the movie. I picked Truth or dare. Yes, it is the new horror movie this year and I'm so glad that I managed to watch it.


The movie was quite scary but interesting plus Boston was there to comfort me during some scary scenes. It was so...nice of him? To do that.

"Hey, um. I wanna check out this store. You wanna check it out too?" Boston asked me.

"Sure" I mean like I don't have anything to do now so why not.

"Do you wanna come too?" I turned to look at Jason and he looks mad.

"Are you alright, Jason?" I asked him. He hasn't been himself lately.

"Huh? Yea...yeah! I'm alright! Just um...think about something" he said nervously.

"Okay..." I answered back.

We entered the store and I saw a lot of my favourite things in it.

Oh my goodness!

I just saw a pair of Unicorn shoes!

Oh my freaking precious eyes!

I've always wanted these! I know, I know. But it's just too cute!

"Ooh, you like these?" Boston asked, who appeared next to me.


"Because if you do, you'll definitely love that" he said pointing to something behind me.

Oh my gosh!

"Fine…you caught me. I love unicorns" I sighed in defeat because I'm afraid that he'll make fun of me.

I have this unicorn plushie as my favourite when I was young. She was my first friend ever since I was a baby.

I carry it everywhere I go but people make fun of me because I thought they existed but when I was 7, I found out that it doesn't exist and it broke me real hard.

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