Chapter 3

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Stepping inside we were met with six hybrids, not two the same kind. Tae stepped up to them and began pointing them out while saying their names.

"Ok so Y/N, this is Namjoon and Seokjin, our leaders. And this is Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook."

Namjoon was a lion, with a very long yellow-orange mane. Seokjin was a wolf, with grayish brown ears that had a few cuts around the edges. They both definitely had a leader feeling coming from them. Yoongi was a bobcat, having spotted ears. He seemed to have a bit of a strict feeling coming from him, but he soon smiled leaving me confused as to how he truly acts. Hoseok was monkey, with yellow-brown ears. He seemed very energetic and athletic. Jimin was a dog, with chocolate brown, floppy ears. He seemed to be similar to Hoseok with the energy he had but he seemed a little calmer. Jungkook was a bunny, with long, white, floppy ears. He seemed to have quite a bit of energy also, but instead of bouncing around, he looked as if he worked out to use his energy up.

"Everyone, this is Y/N!" Tae said with a shy smile on his face. I gave a small wave in response to the introduction.

"Taehyung, why did you bring her here?" Namjoon asked in a slightly concerned tone.

"Well, she stood up for me when Manshik, Sangook, and Youngsoo were harassing me. We talked for awhile and I asked if she wanted to meet you all." Tae replied, clearly fearing the lion's response.

"Oh? How do you know she's not from a rivaling group?" Namjoon asked.

Fear took over Tae's eyes as he looked at me worriedly. Just as he opened his mouth I spoke.

"I'm not from any group."

"Hold on!" Another voice cut in.

I looked over to see it was Yoongi.

"You stood up to Manshik? The coyote? And on top of that you're not even apart of a group?"

"Yoongi, she's a tiger, the same level as Man shik. You may be below both of them, but it isn't as impressive as you're making it seem." Namjoon said, still not letting his guard down.

"Oh come on!" Jungkook cut in.

"You're just saying that cause you're higher than them both, hyumg! Let us lower levels be impressed." He finished with an annoyed attitude.

"All of you be quite so Namjoon can decide on what to do!" Seokjin cut in, causing everyone to quiet down.

"Thank you, Jin." Namjoon said.

"Hyung," Tae began, drawing Namjoon's attention to him. "Trust me. You don't have to worry about her." He finished trying to be respectful.

Namjoon sighed.

"Seokjin? What do you think?" Namjoon asked.

"My decision?" Seokjin asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"Alright." Seokjin paused as he walked up to me.

Once he was inches from me he looked into my eyes. It's as if his deep brown eyes were searching for my intentions. I was being hypnotized as he seemed to read my every thought. The sound of him inhaling broke the trance as he opened his mouth.

"She's safe." He said simply, retreating to his previous spot near Namjoon.

"She stays. Taehyung, find a place for her to stay, and if there aren't any suitable for sleeping, she's staying in your room." Namjoon said.

"Yes, Hyung. Thank you." Tae said, gesturing for me to follow him.

Tae and I walked up some stairs, him occasionally looking into some rooms but not stopping by one. After awhile of looking he sighed. "I can't find a room for you to sleep that isn't already used for someone else. I guess you'll have to stay in my room." He said beginning to walk up more stairs.

"Do you have room for two people in your room?" I asked, dodging a flying basketball followed by a "sorry!" from Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

"Uh... We'll see I guess!" He said with a lighthearted laugh.

I smiled, having that being the first time I heard his laugh.

"You have a nice laugh." I said with a smile.

"I do? I feel like it's like everyone's." He said, smiling as well.

"Yeah! I've never heard a laugh like yours!" I said as he stopped by a room.

"Well thanks! Um anyway, this is my room!" He said pointing inside.

The room was made of stone like the outside, with pencil drawings hanging on the walls, a small messy bed in the far corner near the window, a desk opposite of the bed, and random articles of clothes lightly scattered on the ground.

"It's uh... kinda messy-" He said kicking some dirty clothes under his bed.

"I'll go grab some blankets for you." He said walking outside of the room.

Once he left I began looking around. His drawings were very good. They were mostly of his friends here. He drew them very realistically, but there was one thing different. They weren't hybrids but instead they were humans. I looked down at his desk to see an open book. I began reading what it said:

I only wish to see humans one day. To be able to see the outside world. To leave this dumb isolated island. I wish humans weren't afraid of us. We're not all bad. Only a few of us are. I wish to leave because of them. I'm just left to be bullied without having the guts to stand up for myself.

"Wait... it's a journal! His journal!" I said quietly, looking away.

He wants to see humans? He's like me! He doesn't want Hybrid Island to stay hidden anymore!

I suddenly became extremely excited.

"Hey! I'm back!" He said, walking in with a bunch of blankets.

"Oh uh- hi!" I said smiling.

He made some room on the floor and laid out the sleeping bag.

"I have a question for you." I said as he stood up.

"Ask away!" He said smiling.

"Do you want to see humans?" I asked.

His smile dropped as he leaned over to see I was in front of his desk and hanging drawings.

"You saw? Please don't tell anyone! Everyone would think I was crazy!" He exclaimed, sounding concerned.

"No- don't worry! I won't tell!" I insisted, waving my hands frantically.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" He asked shyly.

"No! Not at all!" I said taking a deep breath.

"What if I told you I could show you a human?" I asked.

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