Chapter 12

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The sound of clanging metal, feet stomping against dirt, and occasional yells have been my alarm clock since battle was declared. I tried to cuddle into Taehyung but sadly discovered he had already left to begin training for the day.

I miss morning cuddles.

Rubbing my eyes I sat up in bed, feeling the cold stone floor under my feet. With a sigh, I walked down the stairs for breakfast. With everyone training, Seokjin is the only one who still does what he normally does, so thankfully there was breakfast on the stove staying warm.

"Good morning Y/N! Some scrambled eggs have been waiting for you." He said, handing me a plate with eggs.

"Good morning Seokjin. Thank you." I said as I let out a sigh and began eating.

"You've seemed kinda off lately. Are you ok?" He asked, putting his elbows on the counter and holding his head in his hands.

"I'm alright I guess. I'm just not used to all of this and don't know what to do. I don't even fully understand the 'battle' even though Taehyung's gone over it a few different times for me." I said, sinking into my seat a little.

"Do you want me to try explaining it to you?" He offered, walking around the counter to sit next to me.

"Sure." I said, turning in my seat so I could face him.

"Alright, so before we were discovered by humans, rivaling groups would often argue and when they were tired of arguing, a leader from one the groups would declare a battle. These aren't the sort of battles that humans do though, it's not killing until the other side gives up. What happens is every hybrid is particularly good at something, some are fast, or strong, or stealthy, things like that. So in a battle, members from separate groups that are good at the same things, compete against each other. The group with the most winning members is the winner in the end. After we were discovered and sent back though, we stopped holding them because many of us were abused by the humans that owned us, so everyone pretty much understood each other and instead of fighting, became friends. But since all those hybrids have passed away, those feelings have too, and now fighting groups are common. Did that make sense?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah it did. Thank you for explaining." I said taking the final bite of my eggs.

"Anytime!" He said will a smile and taking my plate.

"So what could I do? I don't have any sort of physical talents." I said, stretching out my arms.

"Yes, you do! I saw you climb that tree like it was nothing! That's something you could compete with." He said, leaning against the counter in front of me.

"Which is weird. I didn't even realize I could do that. Heck, I was pretty bad at climbing back home." I said, shifting in my seat.

"Maybe cause you weren't a hybrid back home?" He asked, tilting his head again.

"Maybe..." I trailed off.

After taking a makeshift shower, changing into some new clothes and having lunch since I woke up pretty late, I went out to find Taehyung. I found him laying on his back, breathing heavily.

"Hey TaeTae!" I said as I stood over him, tilting my head to the side and smiling at his exhausted expression.

"Hi Jagiya!" He said, guarding his eyes from the sun as he looked up at me, smiling.

I squated down and ruffled his hair, causing him to let out a deep purr.

"Sorry I left you this morning, I needed to get started on training." He said, sitting up.

"Eh it's ok. I figured that's why." I said, sitting down next to him.

He snaked his arm around my waist and layed his head on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna need to start training soon, baby." I said, running my fingers through his soft hair, scratching his ears a little.

"Wait your gonna start training? What are you gonna train at?" He asked, sitting his head up and smiling at me.

"Climbing." I said, giving his cheek a light peck causing his cheeks to go pink.

"Perfect! That's a skill we don't already have!" He said with a boxy smile.

"Well, I need to get back to training and you should get started too." He said, kissing the top of my head and standing up.

"Yeah I guess so. Good luck baby!" I said as I stood up and gave him another kiss before he ran off towards Namjoon.

I wandered around looking for a good tree to practice on.

That one looks good!

I stood in front of the probably 10 foot palm tree, before reaching up and beginning to climb. Once I reached the top I clung to it and caught my breath.

"THAT TOOK ABOUT 2 MINUTES!" Seokjin's voice yelled.

"THANK YOU!" I yelled back.

I quickly climbed back down, pretty much just sliding as I let my grip loosen.

"THAT TOOK ABOUT 1 MINUTE!" Seokjin yelled again.

"DO YOU WANNA JUST COME OUT HERE SO YOU'RE NOT YELLING?" I asked, getting tired of yelling myself.

"OH, YEAH GOOD IDEA!" He yelled as he jogged out of the house.

I chuckled as he ran up to me and patted his head.

"Hey don't pat my head! I'm not a dog!" He insisted, crossing his arms.

"Wolves are very similar to dogs so you kinda are." I said with a laugh.

"Will you just climb already?" He asked, clearly not enjoying my reasoning.

"Alright alright!" I said, raising my hands in defensive.

We spent the next 4 hours practicing until the sun began to set and everyone had to go inside for the night and have dinner.

I still don't know why we can't be out at night. Oh well, another question for another day.

(A/N *knocks on your screen* are you guys still there? I know it's been forever since I last updated and I'm really sorry about that. I'm having minor writers block and motivation problems, and am also trying to make time for my other stories but I promise I'm trying! Anyway I hope you liked this chapter and that y'all ain't skeletons yet from waiting XD Bye!)

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