Chapter 5

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The second he said that my breath hitched.

"Y-you do? How?" I asked, feeling myself tense.

"When I looked into your eyes earlier, I could tell something was different about you, but I didn't feel there was any threat. Then I overheard you in Taehyung's room after he yelled about it. Luckily no one else was around, so I was the only one who heard." He said, stopping infront of me.

My eyes were locked on him.

"Don't worry I didn't tell anyone." He said, now less intimating.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful though. Feelings about humans, whether someone is for or against them, are rarely shared. So I don't know how Namjoon feels." He said, raking a hand through his hair.

I nodded, showing I understood.

He made a face indicating that he was thinking of something .

"Do humans still want nothing to do with us?" He asked avoiding eye contact.

"Um... most of us are just taught about the bad things that happened. To my knowledge, I'm the only one that doesn't hate hybrids." I said, looking at him curiously.

"That's what I've been meaning to ask you! So uh... Why don't you hate us?" He asked looking back to me.

"Well, to put it simply, if it weren't for a hybrid I might've never been born. It's hard to hate something that made it possible for you to live." I said with a chuckle.

"Can you uh, put more detail to that? I'm not following." He said clearly confused.

"Uh well, my grandmother was rescued by a cat hybrid when she was a little girl. Someone was trying to kidnap her but the cat hybrid saved her." I said, rubbing my arm with my hand.

"Ah ok, I understand now." He said with a nod.

"Anyway thank you for the warning, and for accepting me even though I'm not a hybrid." I said with a smile.

"You're welcome. Now go find Tae. By now he probably thinks you've been ambushed by Jimin, Jungkook, and/or Hoseok." He said, letting out a laugh.

"Ok. Bye!" I said waving as I began my walk up the stairs, soon pausing as I forgot which room was his.

"One more thi-" I tried saying as he cut me off.

"Go as far up as you can, when you see the last room, go back one and you have his room." He said, laughing again.

"Thank you!" I said, continuing to climb the stairs.

Once I was nearing Tae's room, I saw him frantically run out. When he saw me he relaxed some.

"Where were you?? I thought you were right behind me!! I was worried you were ambushed by Jimin, Jungkook, and/or Hoseok!" He said, still acting worked up.

"Uh well Seokjin and I talked for awhile. Sorry to take so long." I said, resisting the urge to pet his head.

"Oh ok." He said with a sigh, as we walked back to his room.

"If you don't mind me asking, what'd you two talk about?" He asked once we were inside his room.

"Oh you know the usual. He told me he knew I was a human, asked me why I don't hate hybrids, and told me where your room is!" I said with a laugh.

"Wait he knows?? Is he upset? IS HE GONNA TELL NAMJOON AND MAKE YOU LEAVE??" He quietly yelled, freaking out.

I quickly grabbed onto his sides and shook him.

"CALM DOWN! Everything is ok! He's not upset and he's not gonna tell Namjoon!" I said as he relaxed in my grip.

He breathed a sigh of relief as I let go of him.

"Thank goodness!" He said, flopping onto his bed.

I smiled at him. It's easy to tell he's a cat hybrid, they way he curls up on his bed, the way he sighs sounds like a purr, everything about him is clearly feline. By this point, he was barely keeping his eyes open.

"Are you tired?" I asked, watching as he stretched his limbs out.

"Hmm? Oh uh no I'm fine!" He said giving me a sleepy smile.

"Uh huh. Are you ready to go to bed?" I asked smiling at him.

He shook his head.

"I don't wanna go to sleep! I wanna hear about what life is like for a human!" He said sitting up.

"How about this, I'll tell you everything you wanna know, BUT, you have to try going to sleep while I do so!" I said.

He let out an annoyed growl that seemed too deep for a cat, at least a domestic one, before laying back down and getting under his blankets.

Getting under my own blankets on the floor, I began talking about where I'm from, what human kids do, and pretty much everything I could think of that I thought he would want to know.

"And then when you put a quarter in the machine, it gives you a piece of bubblegum!" I said as heard a faint snore.

Sitting up I looked over to see a sleeping Tae on his bed, all curled up into a ball like a cat.

"Goodnight Taehyung." I whispered, laying back down.

Taehyung's P.O.V.

I fell asleep to Y/N talking about some machine with colorful chewy stuff inside. I wished I had heard the rest but I was really tired.

I was sound asleep until a faint grunt woke me up. I peeked over the side of my bed to see her tossing and turning in her sleep.

"I can't believe I expected her to sleep on the floor!" I whispered to myself, slapping my forehead.

Carefully crawling out of my bed, I walked over to her until I stood directly by her struggling sleepy form. I kneeled down, carefully scooped her into my arms, and stood back up. She lifted her head slightly from the sudden sleeping adjustment, causing me to freeze all movements. Letting out a content sigh she rested her head back onto my arm as she cuddled up against me.

For whatever reason that simple movement made me smile, probably because she seemed comfortable in my arms, even if she was asleep. I walked back to my bed and laid her down as carefully as I could.

Covering her with my blankets, she muttered "I like you, Taehyung..."

This caused me to smile even more, forming my box smile I hadn't made in awhile.

"I like you too, Y/N." I whispered as I walked over to the floor blankets, crawling under the covers. Not long after laying down, I fell back to sleep."

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