Chapter 15

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(A/n listen to Mikrokosmos while you read this)

About half an hour after we made it back, the sun had set and the sky was dark. As the rest of the guys got ready for bed, Taehyung and I sat in his room talking.

"You've never even looked out the window at night?" I asked, still wrapping my brain around the new fact.

"Maybe when I was like, a baby? But like other kids, I was told about the monsters that came out at night. And although I don't think anyone has figured out why we don't go out, I'm not brave enough to see for myself." He replied, brushing some knots from his ears.

"Do you want to see the night sky?" I asked, gaining an idea.

"Yeah. Other than seeing a human, that's one of the top things I wanna see." He replied, beginning to brush his tail.

I got up while his attention was on his tail to pull the curtain aside and look out the window. My eyes darted back and forth, looking for any movement, and anything possibly threatening. Once I knew nothing was out there, I ran back over to Taehyung and grabbed his hands.

"Taehyung, do you trust me?" I asked, watching his eyes soften.

"More than anyone." He said, squeezing my hands in his.

"I know you're scared, but I want you to follow me." I said, his eyes instantly widening.

"You're not serious, are you?" He asked, beginning to shake with nerves.

"I'm dead serious, Taehyung. I just looked out there, and there's nothing outside. No movement, no threats, no monsters." I replied, moving my right hand to hold the side of his face, seeing him relax at my touch.

"If either one of us sees anything that scares you, we'll come right back inside and I'll never ask you to go out at night again. I promise." I insisted, petting his soft ears, his eyes fluttering shut.

"I trust you, Jagiya." He whispered, looking up at me with a sweet smile.

He stood up and we walked over to the window. The curtains had fallen to cover it again by this time. Once we were right in front of them, I glanced over to see his expression. He was scared, but I could tell he was excited.

"Are you ready?" I asked, squeezing his hand.

"Yes." He replied simply, as I grabbed the curtain and pushed them to the side.

His eyes grew wider than ever, the twinkling stars reflecting off his deep brown eyes, causing them to sparkle more than they already do. His jaw dropped in amazement as his eyes darted back and forth, taking in the sight.

"It's it beautiful,?" I asked, admiring him.

"Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it." He whispered, grabbed the window sill and getting closer.

"Do you wanna go sit on the roof?" I asked, scooting next to him.

"Can we?!" He asked, looking more excited than ever.

"Come on!" I said, popping my claws out, climbing out the window and up the wall, watching him do the same and quickly following

We climbed to the very top and sat on the mini deck. I laid down as he cuddled up next to me, eyes not leaving the sky.

"Thank you." He whispered, snuggling closer.

"For what?" I asked, combing my fingers through his hair.

"For expanding my world more and more every day. Since you've come, I don't feel so isolated from the rest of the world anymore. I don't feel like some insignificant piece of dust now." He replied, moving to hover over me.

"You've changed my perspective and I'll never see the outside world the same way again. I thought everyone was just dark and cold and cruel, but I doubt a world like that could make someone like you." He said, smiling down at me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down, pressing our lips together. We both smiled into the kiss, hugging each other tighter.

"I love you." I whispered as we pulled apart.

"I love you more." He whispered back, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"I doubt it." I replied, squeezing him tighter as he rolled over next to me to see the sky again.

We laid like that for awhile, completely take back from the beautiful sky. He was constantly pointing to things in the sky and asking what they were.
"What are all of those?"

"They're called 'stars', Taetae."

"Stars. Hmm that's a pretty name.
"What's that?"

"That's the moon."

"Are there more 'moons'?"

"There are, but they're too far away for us to see."

"Taehyung look! It's a shooting star!"

"Is it dangerous?!"

"No no baby, you're supposed to make a wish!"

"A wish?"


"I wish to be with you forever."

"I wish the same."
After about an hour of him asking questions about the sky, we fell asleep, not even bothering to get back to his room, too comfortable in each other's arms.

(A/n shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed!)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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