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Connors POV

When Sam and Alex kissed I automatically had a feeling of anger. I don't know why. I never really liked Sam. he was just not my type of friend. seeing him kiss my little sister made me hate him even more.

Flashback 7th grade

I was with my girlfriend Ariana. she kept staring at Sam. then the next day she texted me and broke up with me because she liked Sam. Sam texted me and said, "I know I get all the chicks!"

After that I knew I didn't like him. he didn't even like Ariana! He just wanted her to like him. they never dated though. I guess she got fed up and eventually came back for me cause we wound up dating until junior year in high school.

End of Flashback

When Alex kissed Sam in the kitchen I had to get away. I went to Taco Bell. I told Alex I went to a friends house but I really went to Ariana's house I thought I might be able to get her back. I spent the night and we got back together. I had an amazing night with her!

Alex's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I looked around. I couldn't see anyone but sam. they probably went to the mall or something. I poked Sam's red cheek and said, "wakey, wakey" he looked at me and said, "where's the rest of o2l?"

"I don't know"

"Well get up and check"

"Why don't you Mr.Pottorff"

"I'm too lazy Ms.Franta"


I got up and saw a letter and read it out loud, "we went to the store to get guys were so cute together! the boys wanted to do a smack cam on vine but I stopped them. you guys are too Perf!


Sam laughed. I loved his laugh! then he came up behind me and said, "I love you" I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I loved him yet. we haven't even been on one date! but I said it back just to be sweet, "I love you too Sammy."

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