ch.7 Dying

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Sam's POV

I was going to Starbucks with Kian to get my mind off of the whole situation with Connor. I was talking to Kian about this new girl that he liked when I saw Connor walk in. I told Kian and he said just don't make eye contact and wait for him to leave. he must have known I would be there because he walked right over to me and sat down. he told Kian to leave so we could "talk". then he said, "I'm sorry for the way I have been acting. I just don't think that you and Alex are good for each other. she's more of a good girl who doesn't get into much trouble. you are more of a bad boy that will ruin her reputation and then break her heart."

"Look Connor I love your sister. the minute I laid eyes on her I knew she was the one. I would die before I broke her heart."

"Well that's the thing Sam, I just can't trust you." he then swung his fists right into my face. I fell to the floor. I was so surprised that I couldn't move. he jumped on top of me and pounded his fists into my face until I blacked out. kian pushed him off me and called the cops.

Alex's POV

"Savanna I have to go something happened to Sam."

"Omg! what happened!"

"Connor paid him another visit."

"Ok let's go"

Back at the hospital

I walked up to the lady at the desk."um...I'm here to see Sam Pottorff. I'm his girlfriend and this is a family friend." I had to lie so that Savanna could get in. she told me the floor and room number. I walked up to the room and I saw Sam. he looked so peaceful when he slept. he opened his eyes and said, "Alex?"

"Yes Sammy?"

"I have to tell you something"


"I can't do this anymore. im sorry. I love you but, this is too much."


"I am done with us."

I ran out of the hospital crying and I sat on the curb. someone came out after me and sat down. I didn't know who it was because I was crying so much that I couldn't see. then the person pulled me into his/her lap and rocked me until I stopped crying. I could finally see strait and it was Trevor.



"Why are you here?"

"You don't deserve to be treated the way that Sam just treated you."

"Why did he do that?"

"Well, he told me he loved you and you were going to have his baby."

"If he said that then why would he break my heart?"


" I would hope not because he would have to punch me!"

"Yeah, well Sam was knocked out by the third punch."

"He hit him that hard!"


"Why doesn't he like Sam so much."

"Well, Sam took Ariana from him in 7th grade and didn't even like her or date her. so Connor thinks that Sam is using you just trying to mess with him or something. You know."


"Sam just got tired of getting punched."

"Trevor,can I ask you a question?"

"You just did but sure."


"Um...can I stay at your place because I don't want to go home in the same house as Sam."

"Of course!"

(Trevor is to young to stay in the O2L house so he lives with his mom.)

"Thanks Trevor."

We sat there on the curb giggling and bonding until 1:00am. I was starting to like Trevor. A lot.

A/N cliff hanger I know but I update a lot! comment on what the new girls name should be.(if your a Kian girl I can use your name) lol

I love you. stay beautiful!

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