ch.10 How Could You

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Trevor's POV

After I dropped off Alex yesterday I realized that she left her phone in my car so I had to give it to her. I thought it would be a better idea if I would bring it to her in the morning so I did. I walked to the front door and Ricky answered. "hey Ricky!"

"Hey Trev!"

"I'm here to give Alex her phone back."

"Oh, ok, she's upstairs in her room." I walked upstairs to go to her room. I knocked on the door and Jc walked by and said, "Bro, she's not in there."

"Where is she then?"

"Sam's room."


"They got back together I think." My stomach sank to the floor. she got back together with him. no! maybe Jc was lying. I ran into Sam's room. only to find them Snuggling. Alex tried to say something but I ran. I ran downstairs and out of the door. I was crying and I couldn't stop. I love her but only to find out that she loves someone else. someone like Sam. it is Sam. that name just was spinning through my mind. Sam. Sam. Sam. Sam.

I hate him. Sam.

Alex's POV

I think Trevor liked me. I like him but not like I like Sam. correction Love Sam. I love him. he's so amazing. he's sweet and just my type. I couldn't live without him. I called Trevor.

"Hello" I could tell he was crying.

"Trevor why did you just leave?"

"Because. I thought you liked me."

"I do."

"Them why did you chose Sam?"

"I love Sam. I like you."

He hung up and I haven't talked to him since.

Jc's POV

Ok. I have to clear things up. the reason Alex is with Sam is because I got them back together. I set it up but I also broke them apart. I told Sam that Connor said that he wouldn't stop until Sam was done so Sam broke up with her. the truth is I love Savanna and we never fight so I find it funny when I get them to fight and break up, but along the way people can sneak their way in like Trevor. so my plan is to find a girl for him.

*2 weeks later*

Kian's POV

I was going to introduce Andrea to the boyz today. she and i were going to hang out and watch movies and I want her to meet them all. I met her at a party last month and she was a new girl. so I stole her heart. and she stole mine.

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