ch.14 Messed up

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Alex's POV

Why would he say he hates me? I barely hang out with him.

To: Ricky✌

"What are you talking about?"

From: Ricky✌

"You told Jc I hate him!"

To: Ricky✌

"No I didn't! I'm calling you!"
I have to call Ricky and ask him what his problem was!

"What is wrong with you?!"
"Jc told me!"
"Told you what?"
"That I said that Jc is annoying and I hate him!"
"I didn't say that!"
"Well who did?!"
"Did Jc tell that to your face?"
"Where did he say that?"
"His account got hacked you idiot!"
"No it didn't!"
"Yes it did! he told me this morning!" He hung up. I guess he was embarrassed. I decided to call Sam.
"Hey Sam!"
"Hey, what's up?"
"Where are you?"
"Kian and I rented a hotel room so that you guys could have girls night or something."
"Ok, well what do you want to do today?"
"Well there is something I have to tell you."
"What?" I asked concerned.
"Um...i would like to say it to your face because you will probably hang up and won't let me explain."
"Sam, what's going on?!"
"I'm on my way the house. Bye."
"Love you too?" Then he hung up. what is going on? I don't understand. about 5 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Trevor.
"Oh. hi Trev."
"Hey, can I come in?"
"Yeah!" We sat on the couch.
"What's up?"
"Um...I don't know if Sam is going to tell you this but last night he went to a party and got drunk and you know what happened from there."
"He cheated on you. I tried to stop him but he just said he was having a good time."
Bye that time I was crying really hard. then the door bell rang. I ran to the door and saw him standing there with pink roses in his hands. he could tell I was crying and he pulled me in for a hug and dropped the roses on the floor. I pushed him away.
"Why don't you go have a good time and give those roses to her!"
"Alex I'm-" I slammed the door in his face and ran into Trevor's arms. Sam called me but I declined. he left a message saying, "look Alex I'm so sorry." he was crying, "I was was so stupid. I messed up and you don't deserve that. I love you with all my heart and I would do anything to get you back! I know you probably won't but if you do I will treat you like a queen. you deserve better than me and I don't deserve you. you are beautiful and amazing. I don't even know why you would ever like me. you should have the whole population of boys rapped around your perfect little fingers, but you don't. you have me. and you deserve better. I love you, and I hope you love me back." Then it ended and I was in tears. I had it in speaker and Trevor heard it all.
"You know everything Sam just said was true Alex."
"I can't believe he would ever do that. he told me he loved me!"
"He dose love you."
"I honestly don't know Alex."
"I hate him." I said under my breath.
"Don't say that!"
"Well tell him not to cheat!"
"I will, and I already have."
"Like he will listen."
"He will." I gave him a glare and he said, "you know what?! you need a girls night! I'm calling Savanna, Andrea, Ariana, Arden, Lauren, and Jenn!"
"You don't need to do that!"
"Yeah I do girlfriend!"

I am broken.

*2 weeks later*

I don't talk. I don't eat. I don't tweet. I don't walk. I don't sleep. I don't shower. I just don't.
Sam Broke me. I can't do anything. I feel dead. he was my all. I loved him. correction LOVE him. But he doesn't love me. I can't anymore. I need someone else.

Sam's POV

It's been 2 weeks now. I have tried to hang around other girls to get my mind off of her. but none of the girls would click like me and Alex did. I loved her. Correction LOVE her. but she doesn't love me.

Trevor's POV

I tried to call the other girls but they already had plans. Alex doesn't do anything anymore. I really think she cuts herself. I found razors in her bathroom. I was playing hide and seek with the boys and Jc was in her room. she also has gashes in her arms. she always has the same straight face. I try to make her smile but she won't. all she listens to is sad songs. I'm talkin' full flung Adele! she's broken. and I will fix her. Jenn and I didn't work out. she's just not my type. but Alex is.

Jc's POV

The thing with Alex and Sam I didn't do. seriously I didn't. Sam messed up on his own this time. it was his choice not anyone else's. His. Not mine. Not Alex's. Not Trevor's. Not Connors. His. I have to say Alex was a good catch. but too good for Sam.

Connor's POV

I am sick and tired of Sam! There is this guy named Mathew Espinosa. And he will steal Alex's heart and I will make sure of it! he is good for her. not Sam!

I tried to update as much as I can. I hope this chapter was pleasing! it was kind of weird but I like it. the thing with Matt is going to be a plot twister! if you don't know him look him up! he's amazing! I love him! that's why I put him in the story! duh! ok well I love you stay beautiful! -Alex😜✌👅

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