ch.12 The Date

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Trevor's POV

So I was sitting on the bench and all of the sudden the most beautiful girl ever was standing in front of me. she looked at me and laughed. we walked to chipotle and we had a great time getting to know each other. I liked her a lot. then I asked her if she wanted to come to my house and she said yes. we walked to my house and i let her wear some of my sweat pants and a t-shirt. she looked so beautiful! I liked her a lot we cuddled all through the night and I sang love songs to her.

Alex's POV

I invited Andrea to spend the night at our house. Sam and Kian slept on the couch and me and Andrea slept in Sam and I's room. we painted nails and ate popcorn and watched movies. we caught up on each others lives and grew really close.


I'm really sorry on how short this chapter is! I'm in the middle of a sleep over and I'm trying not to be rude. I will double update next time! I love you! stay beautiful! -Alex😜✌👅

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