ch.6 Movies

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Alex's POV

So today, i am going to the movies with Sam. we are going to go see Tammy. i cant wait! then sam knocked on my door. i opened it and invited him in and continued putting on my makeup. I looked over at Sam and relised that he was crying. "Oh my gosh! Sam whats wrong."

"Connor called and told me that i have to break up with you." his voice cracked and the last part.

"i dont care what Connor says or thinks. we can be together anyways!"

"can you call him and tell him that please?"

"of course Sammy." i picked up my phone and dialed his number. "Hello"

"what the heck is wrong with you?"

"what are you talking about?"

"i dont care if you dont want me to be with Sam i will be with him no matter what!" i hung up and gave Sam i huge hug. i waited for him to stop crying and i wiped his tears away. we hopped in the car and headed for the movies. the whole way there we sang to our favorite songs on the radio. when we got there Sam handed the man our tickets and we went into the building. we took our seats and laughed through the whole movie. people were staring but we didnt care. when the movie ended we started to head for the exit. thats when i saw Connor and Ariana together. why were they together? i never liked Ariana. she was so rude and annoying. she thought she was better than everyone and she had this high pitched voice that i couldnt stand! Of couse Connor thought it was totally adorable. Connor saw us and started to charge at Sam. i ran infront of him and told him to back off. then Connor started to scream at Sam. "I thought i told you stay away from her!" then he punched him right in the nose. before i knew it i was ontop of Connor slaping and punching him until Ariana pushed me off him. i ran to Sam who was now laying on the floor. i was crying so hard that i couldnt see. i just layed my head on his chest and cryed until someone told me to get off so that he could go to the hospital.

2 days later

Alexs Pov

Sam had a broken nose and Connor had a black eye and a broken nose. Sam's wasn't as bad because he only got hit once. i guess i hit Connor a bit too hard. i was now at the O2L house. i moved in yesterday so i could be closer to Sam. i shared a room with Savanna because it would cause problems with Connor if i slept in the same room with Sam. Savanna and i have grown really close these past few days. she was my best friend. i was now in the living room with her watching "White Chicks" (our favorite movie together). she then said, "im really sorry that you've had to go through all this."

"its fine, I have learned to just stay away from Connor until things calm down. its alot easier now because he moved in with that girl Ariana. how are you and Jc doing?"

"were doing GREAT actually! thanks for asking. he's really sweet and just my type. i love him soo much."

"i think you guys are such a cute couple!"

"thanks so are you and Sam." then i got a text from Kian.


"its Sam get to the hospital now! Sam was at starbucks and Connor thought it would be a good idea to take a visit."


I'm sorry for the cliff hanger and all the mistakes I tried to fix them all but if I didn't please tell me! I was typing it on the computer and it doesn't have auto

Thanks for all my reads!

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