Chapter 18 - Why?

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"Nayeon-unnie?!" Tzuyu shouted.

"Nayeon, Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Simple answer," Nayeon smirked, "Wealth. It's something we all want and desire in our lives."

She fired a shot into the air, puncturing a hole through the ceiling. Everyone was urging to run but were to scared of being shot.

Nayeon then redirects her pistol at Tzuyu while V lifted his back up and aimed it at me.

"So, what would you prefer? Walking out of this room with both of your lives or die right here together?" Nayeon smugly smiled.

I remained silence.

"You heard her. Now give us your answer!" V yelled.

"Ok, ok, I'll hand over the company." I replied.

"You can't..." Tzuyu whispered, "this is your parent's legacy, you can't hand it over to them so easily." 

V handed Nayeon documents which she then handed it to me.

"That was easy, wasn't it? I'm glad we were able resolve this without the need to shed blood", She smiled, "Now all you have to do is sign right~ here." She slowly slide the paper closer.

I took out a pen from my pocket and placed it onto the paper. 


Y/N suddenly yanked his hand backwards knocking the pistol out of Nayeon's hand, he then grabs it mid flight and points it straight at her, V was too slow to react to the situation.

"Leave now!" Y/N demanded.

Nayeon gave Y/N a malicious grin, she then grabbed his hand. Twisting it, forcing Y/N to let go of the firearm, Nayeon then pushed Y/N onto the table and slid a knife from her sleeves placing it right above Y/N's neck.

When all of that was happening Tzuyu secretly texted for help and was able to inform the police about the situation.

"You should have just sign the contract Y/N. Now your beloved girlfriend will have to witness your death," she laughed, "don't get your hopes up though, I won't make it easy and fast, I want to see you suffer."

Nayeon slowly slid the knife across Y/N's neck. Blood slowly emerged from the wound, dripping onto the table.

Y/N was in agonizing pain which was clearly shown in his facial expression yet he was too scared to fight back. Tzuyu got up.

"Don't even think of it, my little Tzuyu", Nayeon shouted and again gave Tzuyu a malicious smile, "take one step and I'll end his life."

Meanwhile, V heard a strange noise so he went to the window to investigate.  

"Police!" He screamed. "Madam, we need to go, they got us surrounded." 

"Ugh!" Nayeon shouted in anger, "I guess you will get to live another day Y/N." She then ran out of the room followed by V.

"Why didn't you kill him madam?" V's questioned Nayeon.

"We still need his signature," Nayeon replied. They arrived at the elevator, "Get Jin here now! Tell him we'll be waiting on the roof."

Tzuyu rushed over to Y/N. 

"Oppa!" She then ran for the first aid kit from the emergency closet in the office.

Tzuyu disinfected the injured area and placed a bandage over the wound. 

Y/N got up and grabbed the gun which Nayeon had left behind.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Tzuyu spoke but Y/N didn't reply, "no... please don't-"

Her sentence was cut off with a kiss and before she could say anything Y/N ran out of the room.

Nayeon and V were waiting on the rooftop as Y/N arrived. He pointed his gun at Nayeon.

V grabbed his and directed it back to Y/N.

"Nayeon, it was all you!" Y/N wailed, "You were the one behind the death of my parents. You set everything up so that you can take over my parent's corporation. It was all your doings!"

Nayeon gave Y/N a smirk and laughed.

"A small price to pay for wealth. Y/N." She replied, "You see," 

Nayeon grabs the gun from V's hand.


V's body fell lifelessly onto the floor.

"This is the difference between us, to me they are just mere pawns which I use to achieve my goal. Just like objects, people are expendable." Nayeon explained.

A helicopter appeared with Jin as the pilot. As it was about to land, Nayeon made her way towards it while Y/N chased after her. Due to the loud noise produced by the helicopter, Nayeon wasn't able to hear Y/N's footsteps and before she knew it she was pushed and pinned onto the side railings with a gun placed above her temple.  

"Oppa, don't do it." Tzuyu came out of the elevator.

Y/N was distracted by Tzuyu so Nayeon took the opportunity and broke free.


Y/N was shot in the stomach but due to the debilitating wind created by the helicopter and shooting a gun from an awkward angle, Nayeon lost her footing and slipped over the railings.

Y/N's perspective

My body just reacted by itself, I didn't know what was going on but at that moment I was holding onto Nayeon who was hanging from the side of a 15 story building. I knew I was shot but due to adrenaline rushing through my body, I couldn't feel the pain. 

Tzuyu rushed over to help me.

"Y/N, let me check the wound." She spoke anxiously.

"I'm ok for now but we need to bring her back up." I responded.

"What!? mi-chyeo-sseo?, she shot you, killed your parents and murdered your friends." Tzuyu replied furiously, "It was because of her that you are placed in this hellish situation and you still want to save her?."

"Well we can resolve that another time."

I turned my head and looked at Nayeon.

"Hang on, I'm going to pull you up." I shouted.


Jungkook arrived at L/N corporation because he saw the news on TV.

"Is that Nayeon?" he spoke to himself.

The medics had already set up a large inflated pillow and it was ready to catch Nayeon.


I slowly pulled Nayeon up but half way through Nayeon lifted her gun and directed it straight at herself.

"No, Nayeon don't do it!" I screamed.

She smiled.

"Y/N, tell Jungkook I'm sorry." Nayeon said her final words.


I tried to hold onto her but she let go. I slowly placed my head onto the railing as I was trying to process all the information, Tzuyu wrapped her hand around my shoulder trying to comfort me for bit but without warnings she suddenly pulled and laid me on the concrete floor, cushioning my head with the palm of her hand. 

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