Ch.3 - Hadley

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I hadn't been back to the gym for a long time. That's kind of what happens when you find yourself fighting the urge to shift during a fight because there's a rush of emotion. Anger if the person you're fighting is cheating, the rush of adrenaline when you win, when you land that first punch. The sadness if you lose. Frustration at having to hold back. There's a lot that you think and I doubt most people ever realize that they're going through it until they find themselves in the first stages of shifting. That's what had happened the last time I was in a fight. And now, even if I'm around a fight for too long I start feeling the urge to let small parts of my tiger self through.

Because I hadn't been around for so long and because I just took myself off the roster for fights no one was willing to talk to me, so as much as I wanted to tell the ref that Martin was cheating with chemicals I knew no one would believe me. When I heard this Fireball fellow tell the ref that Martin was using something I knew what he was. The chemical was a composition that most humans wouldn't have been able to detect. I moved over to the side of the ring he was exiting from, blending myself in with the crowd until I could get close enough to walk beside him and into the locker room.

"I know what you are. And you're not alone."

He turned and looked at me, his eyes wide in horror. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I'm like you. I know what you are." He quickened his pace and I kept up with him. For being 6 foot 2 I was pretty good on my feet.

"Again, I don't know what you're talking about." He rushed into one of the bathroom stalls in the locker room.

I sighed and went to the back, taking my key out so I could get in my locker and maybe do some training. Even if I couldn't fight I could still train and keep fit. My sister didn't understand it. She also didn't fully understand what it was like for me to be gay and a tiger shifter, but she made sure I knew she loved me anyway. The training was easier to explain because I helped train others and any trainer worth his or her salt makes sure they keep in condition.

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