Ch.9 - Hadley

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 "I mean you probably have to get going. Do you think you'll be back again?" For more than a fight. Do you think you'll be back for me? To come hang out and talk more? To be more?

"I'm going to be back for more fights, but probably not for a while. I do want to come back here again though. You got a phone on you?"

I nodded and pulled my phone out. He took it from my hand and typed something in before handing it back to me. "There. Now you have my number. Message me when you can."

He had put his phone on the table within reach, so I took it and entered my number into his phone. "And now you have mine. So you can message me, too." I grinned as he stared at his phone for a few seconds. I opened my camera app and took a picture of him when he looked up. "And now I have a picture for your caller ID."

"This way when I message you too often and wake you up all the time you don't have to read a name, you can just look at the picture that pops up and click ignore."

"Or answer faster." I grinned at him and heard a click. "Sounds like you got one of your own." We sat in silence for a few seconds before we started laughing.

"C'mon. I probably should get heading out before Demeter gets too antsy. Not sure why, but he always thinks I should be back if I've been out for more than a few hours."

"I know that feeling." I handed him the helmet he'd worn and pulled mine out. "Look, if you ever need help or a place to crash, hit me up. I've got room."

"Maybe after we've known each other for a while. It would be a little creepy to do something like that when we haven't known each other that long."

I nodded and hopped on, starting up the bike as he slid into his seat.

Best night of my life.

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