Ch.21 - Flint

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We played a couple of card games and I moved onto the air mattress, warm under a blanket Hadley had pulled out for me. "Thank you, Hadley. I... I needed this. And I'm not talking about the blanket."

He nodded and stretched, flopping onto his bed. "I know the feeling. Sometimes you just need to get away from everything. We all have our reasons to escape and we all have our own escapes."

We fell asleep not long after that and all I remember was waking up the next morning with Hadley holding me, my head against his chest while we were both on our sides. He explained it when he woke up.

"The storm picked up again and you were fidgeting. I tried talking to you, but you were lost in whatever had you, so I did the only thing I could think of. Compression, touch, warmth. Safety in numbers type thinking, y'know?"

I nodded and watched him move. "Hadley?"


"Do... Do you think that maybe... Maybe we could do this again?"

"Can I make a condition to that?" He asked, his back to me.

"Sure. It's your home."

"We do this next weekend, cook together, and you meet my sister." He turned around, wearing a grin that matched my own.

"That sounds great. And Hadley?"


"That's more than one condition."

He laughed, looking out the window at the remaining storm clouds. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Would it be wrong to say a certain word?" I asked.

"I love you, too, Flint." He said. I squeezed him, smiling into his back.

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