Ch.15 - Flint

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 I hate holding the bag for Devil. For one, you shouldn't always need someone to hold the bag for you. If you do, it means you're hitting the bag too hard and not getting the proper training with it. Or that the bag is too light for what you're training and you need a different bag. With Devil, it's the fact that he just wants to beat something to a pulp and not care that he's damaging things. The only good part of me holding the bag was that it meant I knew he wasn't out actually hurting a person at that time. If he ever got his hands on someone who wasn't a shifter or werewolf the person he was fighting would very likely be dead because I had no doubts that Devlin would not stop in time. He didn't want to stop in time when fighting one of his own pack. Demeter was the only one who had any real control over Devlin. Devlin, Devil, same person to the rest of us.

"Quit your daydreaming, shithead. I need you to focus. I don't want to hurt you today."

"Only because Demeter told you to leave me alone. You're lucky I didn't report you for dragging me down here so you could train."

"I drag you down here because you like it and because I want you here."

"So it's not because you have no self-control and need someone to hold the bag still for you to hit it?" I teased.

He snarled at me and his eyes started to change. So I threw the bag into him.

"Try that again, Devlin, and I'm going to take your ass out." My phone started ringing from my pocket. "I'm leaving. I will be back when I'm back."

I walked out of the building and looked at me phone. It was Hadley. I called him back and he picked up on the first ring. "Hey!"

"Hey, sorry. I was with one of the others. I don't want them knowing about my life. What's up?"

"Well, from what I understand you get nervous with a lot of people around and you don't like being there, so I was wondering if you'd want to come over to my place and watch a movie or something. Maybe I could pick up or order some pizzas or Chinese food or something. I know I hate large crowds and the theater is playing like three or four big release titles this weekend so the place is going to be packed. Are there any types of movies you don't like?"

"Not really. I'm good with most anything I think. Haven't watched enough movies to form much of an opinion on genre. What do you feel like?"

"Well, I've got a nice collection of movies and I've got streaming so we have a lot of choices. We could just pick some to watch when you're here if that works."

"How about just making some pizzas or Chinese or something? Like I could pick up some food we could heat up and go that route instead of trying to do takeout. Or we could mix some and try different things." I knew I was blushing while I was thinking of being at his house.

"That sounds really cool. If you're not far away maybe we could look at stuff together and just pick everything up fresh and start cooking while we pick out what movies to watch."

"That sounds really cool, but are you sure you want to be seen in public with me? I am a stranger to everyone around there."

"That's fine. If you think of anything you want to add to date night just give me a call. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll talk to you later I guess."

"Don't be a stranger."

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