Ch.13 - Texts

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  Hadley: Hey.

Flint: Hey. How are you?

Hadley: I'm alright, I guess. Can't seem to stay focused right now. Probably need to go for a shifted run. How about you?

Flint: The last few days could have been better.

Hadley: You wanna talk about it?

Flint: No.

Flint: I most certainly do not.

Flint: Not via text.

~ 5 Minutes pass ~

Flint: Are you still there?

~ 2 Minutes pass ~

Flint: ...

Flint: Hadley? :(

Hadley: Sorry! Sorry. I had been in my room texting and there was a knock at my door. One of the nearby delivery places had a new driver and he could not for the life of him figure out where a house down the road was.

Hadley: And he wouldn't leave! Even after I confirmed four different times where the house was. I don't know if the kid was stupid, high, or what. Next time I'm taking my phone with me. Those neighbors order from that place a lot.

Flint: Maybe he was sticking around for you.

Hadley: What?

Flint: Maybe he was sticking around to watch you?

Flint: Because you're cute/attractive/hot/gorgeous.

Flint: Um... I mean. Maybe he was sticking around because you're nice? >//>'

Hadley: XD

Hadley: If you think I look that good then why am I the one who took a picture of you and not you taking a picture of me?   /:)

  Flint: Who says I DIDN'T take a picture of you? ;) 

Hadley: ???

Hadley: But... I never heard a camera click!

Flint: I turned the sound for that off long ago.

Flint: Makes it easier to take a picture when you don't want someone to really know you're taking one.

Hadley: You sneaky bastard!

Hadley: I love it!

Hadley: Um... Can you show me how to do that?

Hadley: Y'know... The next time we see each other.

~ 3 Minutes pass ~

Hadley: Or not. Nothing says you have to and I was just asking. I could always look it up online. Shouldn't be too hard to do.

Flint: I'll show you.

Flint: You just caught me off guard.

Flint: I wasn't sure you'd want to see me again, honestly...

Hadley: Why wouldn't I want to see you again?

Hadley: I had fun with you the other night.

Flint: I don't hang around with people much.

Flint: So I don't exactly have the best social skills in the world. And then you add in the fact that either I talk too much or I don't talk enough and it gets worse...

Hadley: There are plenty of things to do other than talk, you know.

Flint: I've never done that!

Hadley: ??? Done what? I meant that you can do things like running or swimming with someone. Or movies. You don't always have to talk. I'll tell you now that I'm one of those people who talks to the person I'm in a movie with when I see something flawed or something that just begs a joke to be made.

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