Ch.16 - Hadley

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Reluctantly, I hit the end call button and proceeded to hit my head against the doorframe of my kitchen. "It's not that hard, you idiot! It's a simple form of words. Flint, would you like to stay the night at my place? But no, I can't find my balls while talking to him on the phone so not only do I sound like an idiot in my head, but he's probably wondering what the hell the pauses are. Why am I so stupid?"

The next day I went over to my sister's place to see what projects she was working on. "Karen, why am I such a chicken when it comes to Flint? I just want to ask if he wants to stay the night. Nothing more, nothing less. There's plenty of space and there's a lot of questions that are still floating around in my head."

"You got your phone? I want to pull up that picture of him again. I want to know who my brother is thinking about having stay the night at his house when he's only known him so long." I handed my phone to Karen and started pacing her art room while she pulled up the picture. I didn't take pictures very often and I didn't really have anything to hide from my sister.

"There." She said, walking up and handing my phone to me.

"There?" I raised an eyebrow at her, staring for a minute before my chest seemed to close up. "There? There!" I pulled up my texts with Flint and she had. My sister had text Flint from my phone.

"There." She said, grinning.

I read the message. "'Flint, this is Hadley's sister. He has something he wants to ask you, but he's too scared to ask you himself so I will. He wants to know if you want to stay the night this weekend since you've made plans together.' Really? You couldn't make it simpler? You couldn't just say 'this is Karen, Hadley wants you to stay the night'?" I froze as my phone vibrated in my hand.

I looked at Karen for a few seconds before looking at my phone like it was something I'd never seen before. "Well read the reply, dummy!" Karen poked me.

"'If he's sure he wants me over that long then okay. I'd really like to spend more time anyway. Maybe we can go on a run in the dark or just stay up late watching more movies or playing games.' Karen I fucking love you!" I screamed, grabbing my sister in a bear hug.

She laughed, hugging me back. "I love you too, goofcube. Now, don't go and screw up what is apparently good for BOTH of you and let go of me please because this is starting to hurt."

"Sorry. Just... I really like him. And we've been texting more since the one night we started texting after we got coffee. I don't know if it's the fact that he's different like I am, but there's something about him that just pulls me in."

"Which is why I took your phone and sent the message for you. You know, sometimes for a tiger you're a pretty big chicken."

"This coming from the woman who is afraid of things like her own shadow. At least I'm afraid of normal things." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I'm not afraid of my shadow. I'm afraid of what could be lurking in the dark thank you very much." She grabbed my tongue and pulled.

"Ow ow ow!" I leaned down. "I submit! I submit!" She let go, laughing at me.

"I need to start working on a new commission. Stay if you want, but you know the rule."

"Yeah yeah. If I stay and you're working on a commission I have to be quiet as the tiger I am. I think I'll just head home for now. Been worrying about this weekend so I haven't been sleeping much. Thankfully my appointment for today had cancelled so I got to relax at home and come visit my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

"But that doesn't change that you're my favorite." I teased. "See you later. If he feels up for it I might see if he wants to meet you one of these days."

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