Ch.7 - Hadley

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You're cute when you're stumbling and bumbling. How old are you? You've got to be legal to be fighting. Maybe a few years younger than me? I wonder what my sister would say if I told her I was giving a ride to someone who was still very much a stranger to me.

"Ready?" I asked, starting up the bike.

"Yeah. I think so." He shifted a bit, grabbing my shoulders.

I moved his hands to my waist. "You need to grab here. It'll give you better hold and prevent you from falling if I have to make a sharp turn." I felt him nod and squeeze as we started to take off.

This is having unexpected results. Glad I didn't wear the tighter pants. Let's get to the coffee shop before they close. And before I start getting thoughts that might come later.

We rode up to the shop, not very far away and I shut the engine off, leaning the bike to give him an easier dismount. He didn't stumble this time and I grinned as we both took of the helmets. I put them into a locking compartment under the seat and grabbed my wallet, heading towards the shop. "This is it."

"This is it? It's nothing more than a hole in the wall."

I nodded, laughing. "Oh ye of little faith. The places that most people call hole in the wall are often the best. With chains you know you're going to big companies, but with these little places you're supporting small businesses and you're exploring newer things."

"You're not a hipster, are you?" He took a step back.

I laughed. "No, I'm not. I just prefer supporting the small places because they have memories for those around them in the town. You never know who's met or gotten engaged in these places or things like that."

"You also never know who's been killed there or who's had their heart broken there." He mumbled, walking inside the shop.

"Pessimist." I followed him in, smiling at the owner. "Hey Lance. The usual for me, and whatever he's having." I gestured to Flint.

He thought for a minute, looking at the menu on the wall. "Medium hot chocolate please."

"Whipped cream?" Lance asked, smiling. Flint nodded. Lance began to work on the drinks and I stood by the counter where drinks are placed when ready while Flint walked around the shop, looking at the pictures on the wall.

"Hey Hadley," Lance whispered, "I didn't know you were seeing anyone."

"I'm not. Met him at a fight. He's not from around here so I offered to show him some of the local gems. This was the first place that came to my mind."

"I'm honored, if a little confused."

"If there's more to explain I'll explain it later on. For now, it's just me showing someone new some of the places that I've come to love in hopes that he enjoys them and might decide to bring his business to those places."

"You've made me even more confused now, Hadley. Here are your drinks." He placed them on the counter and I handed him the money before taking the drinks across the room to Flint.

"You have no idea how odd it is to hear other people talking about you when you're in the same room and you're trying to be discreet about it when all you really want to do is ask every question that pops into your mind. It's so weird."

"You never really get used to it, but it makes spying on people quite easy when you tune in and out of what's around you. Here's your hot chocolate."

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