Ch.6 - Flint

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Cute, tall, fighter, shifter, AND you ride a motorcycle. Could you make me want to kiss you more?

"I parked at the back of the building. Old habit that makes it easy to sneak off if you've pissed someone off."

"Like me antagonizing Martin." I sighed.

He nodded. "Exactly like that. Or when you get beat to a pulp in the locker room because you don't feel you can fight back without doing serious harm to the other people or like you want to change and really do them harm but don't want to get caught so you slip out the back to avoid people seeing you start to heal. Do you heal fast?"

I nodded, laughing. "Heh. Only slightly. I'm not slow to heal, but it also depends on my emotional and mental states. I've been stressed and uneasy the last few weeks, so any injuries I have will take a while longer to heal right now. If I'm in good states then it doesn't take long at all. If I've recently fed or been treating myself properly then it takes even less time."

"I almost feel jealous that you've had the experience to go through all that." He said, heading towards the back door as I grabbed the last of my things

"Don't. It's honestly not fun. It wasn't fun to go through in the beginning, it's not fun to go through now, and from the way you sound it's like you never get hurt which is something I'm jealous of."

"It's not that I don't get hurt, it's more like I almost can't get hurt. Or that my sister threatens me every time I try to do something dangerous or reckless."

"Yet you ride a motorcycle. I bet she adores that."

"She does, actually. It's the one bit of fun she lets me have because she knows I don't ride without my helmet and I always carry a spare in case someone wants to ride with me. Usually it's just her and she cleans the helmet out after." He looked on sadly as we walked to his bike.

I stopped and stared in awe. His bike looked brand new, had the extra seat, and had saddlebags to keep extra stuff. He bent over and put his things in the bags and I couldn't help but stare at his butt. Oh sweet merciful god please don't let me be drooling right now. And if I am drooling please do not let him turn around and notice it. I stared on and he dug around, suddenly standing up and turning to throw a helmet to me.

"Put your things in one of the side bags unless you want to stop by your vehicle and put them there. Did you want to ride with or would you feel more comfortable following me in your vehicle? I know the way we met wasn't exactly the best and I probably came off as really creepy and then to find that you were thinking I meant something else and I laughed at what you thought..."

"I'll ride with you. Just calm down. You're one of those people who starts talking and can't really shut up when you get nervous or excited, aren't you? Are you going to be able to drive? Or do I need to drive us in my vehicle? Or maybe we should ride separate."

"I just get awkward some times. Especially around someone I have something in common with that I don't have in common with anyone else I've met."

"Better watch how you word that. Your boyfriend might get jealous."

"What boyfriend?" He honestly looked confused by the suggestion.

"You've never really hidden the fact you're gay and it just seems common to think you've got someone. I shrugged.

"I don't. Haven't since I came out as being gay. After that no one really wanted to be with me. Not sure why. You think you'd want to be with someone who admits to who they are instead of hiding from it."

I tilted my head from side to side as I pondered his words. "Yes and no. Take me for instance. I'm bi. There are some people who would want to be with me because there's a stereotype that all people who are bisexual will date two people at once or that they're more willing to experiment with things and that's not true. It's just a term for being attracted to both male and female genders. Sorry for assuming."

"Happens." He slipped his helmet on. "You need help getting on?" I shook my head and he mounted. I tried to be as graceful as he was, but I failed pretty hard and ended up having to grab onto him suddenly, falling into place on the seat.

"Sorry." I said, fumbling to put the helmet on before he could see me blush. This night can't get worse, can it?

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