Ch.5 - Hadley

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 "I said, leave him alone. You don't have the balls to do anything to me. I've seen that when you've mocked others in the showers. Remind me, wasn't it my sister who took your nuts?"

He growled, but I stepped towards him, coaxing him to make a move. He backed away, looking to the fireball. "We're not done here, Flint. Just wait until your boyfriend isn't around."

I heard him mumble, "He's not my boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes as Gabe and Martin left, making sure they were gone before I knelt down to check his injuries. "Are you alright?"

"What's it matter do you?"

"It matters because I need to know if I should take you to a hospital or let you sit here and regain your breath."

"Just here. Name?"

"I'm Hadley. Apparently you're Flint." He nodded and I sat on the bench. "I didn't mean to scare you earlier. It's just... I've never met another person like me."

"Not gay." He said, his voice growing stronger. "Bi. How did you know?"

I blinked, laughing. "That's why you were so shocked?!"

"What else could you mean?" He asked, confused as he sat up more, taking in a slow breath.

I looked around, making sure no one was there before I looked him in the eye, my own changing colors ever so slightly. "I meant I know you're a shifter." He nodded. "I knew when you told the ref about Martin's cheating. I could smell the chemical from where I was at in the crowd, but I can't say anything because they all think that I'm not to be trusted since I had been a fighter and then removed myself from it at random."

He nodded, stretching. "Guess that means your emotions started getting the better of you in a fight. I haven't been there. Not yet. Not sure what I'll do the day I can't fight. Though maybe I'll be fighting only the people like us then."

"You mean there are more?!" I jumped up, hands balled into fists and pressed against my chest.

He stood and pulled a key out. "Yeah. I've met more. Not a ton, but they exist. You've really never met another?" I shook my head. "I've only known other wolves. That's not your flavor I'm guessing. Wolves tend to try for packs which is why I'm still not fitting in. I was on my own too long for that to be natural."

"I'm a tiger." And while I can't always stand being around canines or anyone who smells like canine you smell delicious. Like I want to wrap your scent all over me like it's a warm blanket and I've just come inside from a blizzard. I haven't felt like this for a long time.

"What was your nickname when fighting?"

"They never really gave me one. I always told the ref beforehand that I didn't have one, so he just introduced me as I am."

"I can't get them to do that for me. I hate being called Flint the Fireball. I swear it's just a play on my name being fire related."

"Could... Could we talk about what we are at some point? I'd really like to learn more since I've never met another... Y'know?" I asked, rubbing my arm while looking down at the floor.

He paused, walking around the lockers to change. "Sure. You got plans after this?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Because we can grab coffee and go somewhere to talk about it without being disturbed or overheard to the point where people think we're crazy."

"Oh. That's a brilliant idea. I know a nice shop nearby."

"That's good because I have no idea where anything is around here. I'm not from the area."

I nodded and watched as he came around the corner wearing faded jeans and a light grey t-shirt. So cute. And you've got muscle under there. I'm not drooling, am I? Or staring? I made sure I blinked and reached into my pocket to make sure I had my keys still. "I was going to train here for a bit, but talk sounds better, don't you think?" He nodded. "Drive separate or you want to ride with me?"

"Depends. What do you ride?"


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