high school demons- Sebastian

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Y/n's POV

"Okay class, today we have a review game for our test tomorrow." The teacher said as we started class.

Oh great, a review game. These never go well for me. I'm always stuck with the guys who tease me about things. They never leave me alone.

"I'll number you off." She started to number us off.

Once she finished, I realised that I was, once again, stuck with the boys for the game. Luckily I didn't have to move from my spot, but they had to come to me.

As everybody moves, Sebastian looks at me and nods. Saying that I can deal with them, but in real life... I can't.

They take their seats and my anxiety starts to fill my body. I pull out my pen and draw two crosses on my index finger, they're like Remington's tattoos. "Stop drawing on yourself" one of the boys snap.

I took a deep breath and just ignored it, "Oh my god do you cut yourself, I mean you wear long sleeves everyday." Another boy snarked.

I grabbed my notebook and start to write to calm down.

"Can you not write?" The last boy asked.

Can they not do this to a girl who writes to calm down?

*time skip to the end of the first game*

We finish the first game and that's when I get up to go to the teacher. I ask her if I can go calm down in the office. She let's me and I go grab my stuff and walk out.

As I walk out I can hear little whispers come from people. I just exit the room, without crying. I quickly walk to the office.

Once I got there, I took a seat at the table in the middle of the office.

Soon Seb came in and we went into the other room, "what do they have against me?" I asked with tears slowly forming.

"They have nothing against you, princess. They are just trying to get to the higher ranking." Seb answered.

"Well I can't beat them in their own game, baby." I said with tears coming faster.

Sebastian wiped away my tears with is thumbs and smiled at me.

*time skip to the end of the day*

I walked out to my car and got in the drivers seat. I turned on my car and took a breath, letting therapy fill the empty sound in my car. Before I pulled out, Sebastian texted me.

From Seb ❤: come to my house after you get home

To Seb ❤: what? Why?

From Seb ❤: go home and change into something comfortable and then come over. We are having a marathon of Disney movies

To Seb ❤: okay, love you!

From Seb: love you too!

I put my phone in my bag and pulled out.

I drove to my house and pulled into my garage. I walked to the door and ran up to my room. I changed into my Nike track shorts, my Mustang shirt, and the one of Sebastian's sweatshirts. I then grabbed my keys and phone, and I put my Nike sliders on.

I walked out to my car and drove to Sebastian's house.

I knocked on the door and Remington answered, "hey y/n, Seb's upstiars." Remignton said when he opened the door.

I walked past Remington and up to Sebastian's room. I knocked on his door, "Seb, can I come in?" I asked through the door.

"Yeah" Sebastian answered.

I walked in and shut the door behind me, "Hey princess" Seb greeted, sitting up in his bed.

I sat down by him and put my head in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair, "I want to be home schooled." I said, closing my eyes.

"Why?" Seb asked in a very kind tone.

"Because then I wouldn't have to deal with people." I answered.

"What about me?"

"You can join me, and then your brothers can join too."

"Princess," He chuckled, "That's not how it works."

I looked at him and he just had that cute boyfriend smile on his face.

God I love the life out of him.


So this is based off of something that happened to me in English and I hated it.

One friend cared



- sarah 👌

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