one more light- Emerson

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Trigger warning

Can I help you not to hurt anymore...


I watched my boyfriend as he walks up to his front door, we live across the street from each other, so I'm aloud to do this.

I've been watching him this whole week, and when I walk away, he runs away. He usually runs to the worst part of town and gets in trouble.

It's because of his home, I can't believe what his parents do to him. Emerson is successful in everything he does, and yet... he comes to me with scars on his arms and bruses on his stomach.

I send him a quick text to remind him.

To Emerson: if you run away agian tonight, come to my backyard and climb the faith tree to get to my room ❤

From Emerson: okay, you're parents are okay with it right?

To Emerson: yes, they understand because I had to tell them why you were over that night. Emmy they love you.

From Emerson: okay love, I'll pack a bag and try to get over in ten minutes.

To Emerson: okay love you my pirate ❤🎩

From Emerson: love you my princess ❤👑

I placed my phone down and went to my room. "Hey dad, Emerson's sleeping over tonight. He's going to try to get out and head over here in ten minutes." I told my dad walking through the kitchen.

"Okay sweety, I'll be out with your mom tonight. We have a huge gathering that is all night." My dad said, cleaning the dishes.

"Okay, love you" I called back, with my flannel, around my waist, flowing in the little bit of wind.

I took my backpack off and put it on my bed, I then went over to my window and unlocked it for Emerson. I sat on my bed and got on my phone, seeing a message from Remington.

Sadly his brothers moved out and Emerson's parents didn't let him go with.

From Remington 👿: Emerson

To Remington 👿: what?

From Remington 👿: is your window open?

To Remington 👿: yeah

*read at 4:02 pm*

I went over to my window and Remington was climbing faith.

I opened the window and he walked in, "Sebastian has him down there and he needs you more than ever." Remington said, turning to the window and giving a signal to Seb.

Sebastian climbed up and tree with Emerson on his back, gripping tight to his shirt. "What happened?" I asked, noticing all the bruses on Emerson as Seb let him sit on my bed.

"They got super mad because they saw him packing up." Sebastian answered for him.

Emerson was too shookened up to really talk at all.

I knelt down to Emerson and looked at him with kind eyes. "Okay we have to head back home. See ya yn, call me if you need anything." Remington said kissing my head.

He was basically my brother. Remington and I made a pack to not go out with each other no matter how strong the feelings were. We are always going to be like brother and sister to each other.

Sebastian and Remington climbed back down the tree. I went over to Emerson and I helped him up. I pulled him into the bathroom and helped him sit on the counter. "You used to do this to me all the time." I said bringing back all the nights where I used to cut my wrists.

"Don't bring those back up, and don't you dare cry over me Ma Chèrie." Emerson said.

He wiped a tear and I looked into his green eyes.


That night when I went downstairs, I said goodnight to my dad and went back up to my room. When I got up there I didn't see Emerson anywhere, but I saw the bathroom door open. I went in and saw my only love on the floor lifeless.

I scream and my dad is upstiars in an instant.

My perfect boyfriend is on the ground lifeless.

I call Remington and he comes over as quick as he could. "Mr. Yln, I can take her to my house. She'll be okay there." Remington said to my dad as he held me close in his arms.

"Please take care of her and make sure she's with you tonight" My dad said to him.

We walked out of my house and went to his bike.

Remington is all I have left to remind me of Emerson, and his drawing of us together in France.

I never got to say I love you one last time to him.


Sorry for the trigger, but I am finally coming back and this was the first imagine in a while to NOT be written out.

We're all emo girls by heart

-sarah 🐐

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