kayak race- Sebastian

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They have kayaks that are very open and easy to flip. They aren't the ones that are used more often around rivers and lakes.


Sebastian loaded the kayaks on the rack on the truck. He finished tying them to the truck, while I loaded the life vests into the backseat.

I got in the front passenger and waited for Seb. When  he got in, he started the truck up.

*time skip*

Sebastian and I pulled up to a large lake that was for non-motorized boats. Perfect for the first day of the 2018 summer to take the boats out.

I helped in taking things out of the flatbed.

Sebastian got his kayak off, and then I grabbed mine. When I put my kayak on my back, Seb came over to me, "I love it when you do this" He said to me and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and my face started to get red. I just carried the kayak down to the boat ramp.

We both had our boats down, so Seb locked the truck and then came back down to his boat.

I was already floating around and waiting for him to get in.

When he took off, the war started.

Who can flip their partners boat the fastest.

We always did this, even with his brothers and their girlfriends.

So this is why we barley brought things out with us. It's a Kropp and yln's tradition.

*time skip*

We got out to the middle of the lake, and I went over to Seb's boat. I flipped him over and then quickly paddled away. It wasn't that deep, so he could touch and easily come after me.

When I saw him poke out of the water, I back paddled to turn around.

I started laughing when I saw all his hair covering his eyes. "So you want to play that game?" He said with a devilish smirk.

He swam over to my boat and tipped me over.

When I came up, he pulled me in and kissed me.

"You taste like lake, and I love it." He said with a smile and a hand wrapped around my waist, holding me close.


So I went kayaking and it was awesome. I was the first time that I took her out too, my kayak is the picture above. Her name is Kayla.


-sarah 👌

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