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Song: Smile by R5

Your SmileYouAlways had a wonderful smile

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Your Smile
Always had a wonderful smile.

You could've asked me to buy you just about anything in the world in exchange for it,
And I would've gladly obliged.

All you had to do was smile at me,
And I was head over heels.

Your smile
Made me so happy,
And I almost always got to see it
When I came to visit you
On that same green bench
Beneath that same shady tree
Where we first met.

But you had good days and bad days,
Just like everyone else.

Sometimes I would forget that;
You were perfect in so many other ways,
So much so that I occasionally overlooked the fact
That you were human
And could go through struggles
And experience pain
Just like the rest of the world.

I liked the good days better (because of that smile),
But on the bad days you opened up to me.
On the bad days,
Even though you would cry
And carry on
And worry,
And then worry some more,
You would always let me hold you
Until those tears went away
And the worrying subsided.

You would let your guard down
And I would rock you back and forth
In my arms
And whisper sweet little nothings in your ear.

And sometimes,
When you were feeling especially down,
And I was feeling up to it,
I would even sing to you softly.

You always told me you loved hearing me sing,
Even if I was out of tune sometimes
Or my voice cracked occasionally.
Maybe I wasn't
A crooner
Or a first class performer,
But I would do
Almost anything for you.

Thus, the reason I sang.

I would brush your compliments off
Like they meant nothing to me,
Acting as if I didn't really care,
But inside?

I was beaming.

I didn't mind helping you out
On your bad days,
But now I wished you were having
Less of those
And more good days instead.

I wished you weren't sick
Taken away
Far beyond my reach
With me powerless to save you.

I wished you were cured of that awful,
Horrible plague,
Safe in my arms
Just like you used to be.

...Because I really needed to see your smile again.

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