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Song: Let You Down by NF

GriefI woke up in another cubicleJust like the one I'd originally been kept inBut with a different ID number

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I woke up in another cubicle
Just like the one I'd originally been kept in
But with a different ID number.
I stared, dumbfounded, at my reflection in the glass walls.

Why was I still alive?
I wasn't supposed to be alive.
I was supposed to be sick and dying,
Like nearly everyone else in this
God-forsaken city.

I should have been, anyways.
For the Heaven's sake,
Why did I have to be immune?!
It wasn't fair
Not to those who were sick
Their families who were suffering
And it wasn't fair to you, love.

Why did such horrible things
Have to happen to such beautiful people?
Why did it have to be you?

I closed my eyes
Thinking that this was the end of our story
And cried for all the sadness I had in me.

I cried for you,
I cried for my mother,
I cried an ocean of tears
For all the world
Which had suffered a horrible fate
For so, so long.

I grieved
Because it felt like this was the end
Of all good things
And the only thing left
Was evil.

I cried for hours, it seemed
Until someone appeared in front of my cubicle,
Peering in at me as if
I were an animal at a zoo.

Immediately I disliked him.

I faced utter confusion
Lost, unable to figure out
Just who this man was
Up until the moment when he spoke.

"Oliver Vida?"

And that was when I realized
The man on the other side of the glass
Knew me
From before I'd "contracted the plague"
And I
Knew him as well.

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