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Song: Breathe (2 AM) by Anna Nalick

BlameThe old woman repeated her question:

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The old woman repeated her question:

"Who are you?"

I tried to move my lips,
Tried to speak up,
Gesture with my hands-
Anything that would defend you
And keep you by my side.

But I was so, so
My heart thumped in my chest
To an unsteady rhythm,
Making me struggle to catch my breath.

Finally, I managed to reply

"I-it wasn't her fault."

As I motioned to you with a shaking hand.

The woman continued to stare me down
And looked back and forth between
Me and you.
I waited anxiously
For her to decide our fate.

Back and forth,
Back and forth
She looked.

My heart rate sped up
When she opened her mouth
And a few words finally fell from her lips.

"I don't blame the girl."

She paused, then spoke again.

"I blame the young man who broke into my quarantine to free her."

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