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Song: For I Can't Help Falling in Love with You by Hailee Steinfeld (cover)

The Final Farewell"Dead,"You whispered to me,Your eyes shining with tears,"They're all dead, Oliver

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The Final Farewell
You whispered to me,
Your eyes shining with tears,
"They're all dead, Oliver."

I had found you,
Curled underneath a table
Inside the lab
Your breathing ragged
And your clothing torn.

You had explained to me
What had happened.

Dozens of government officials
Had stormed the quarantine
Filled with the sick
And already dying
And they had taken the lives of every last victim they could find.

With none of the "cures" succeeding
And not enough time to come up with
Another solution,
The government had come to
Horrifying decision:
If the plague could not be defeated
Through medicine,
Then they would simply have to kill off
All its carriers.

They'd started with quarantines on the outer limits of the city,
Then worked their way to its heart.

How I had missed
The sound of gunfire,
Of innocent lives being taken
In the dark of night
I'll never know.

Upon hearing the gunshots
And the screams of helpless,
Ill citizens,
You somehow managed
To roll off your bed
And under the nearest table.

No one discovered you.
You were alive,
Even if it was only for a little while longer.

You tried to say more,
But speaking
Had worn your strength
To threadbare bits
And I would have no more of it.

"Hush, Hope, lie still."
I told you,
Caressing your cheek
And gently pulling you closer to me.

"Aren't you worried they'll come back?"
You croaked,
Looking up at me
With those bright blue eyes
That were slowly losing their light.

But I only shook my head sadly.
"They think everyone in this quarantine is dead, don't they?"

I received a coughing,
Hacking fit
In response.

I sighed
And stroked your hair
Both knowing
And hating
That there was nothing I could do
To help.

Nothing I could do
To save Hope,
The one thing-
The one person-
That had kept me going
For so long.

The lights overhead flickered,
Then went out.
From the government
Must have hit the power box
With their bullets
In midst of the massacre.

You whispered in the dark.

I whispered back.

"When I die, will anyone still be around to remember me? Will anyone care?"

I choked back tears,
My voice barely loud enough for you to hear
My response.

"Yes. Someone will be there, Hope."


Your eyes had already fluttered shut
And your heart had already stopped beating
As I said softly,

"I will."

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