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Song: Don't Stop Believin' by The Journey

The JourneyIt took me much longerThan I would have likedTo evade captureAnd make it back to you

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The Journey
It took me much longer
Than I would have liked
To evade capture
And make it back to you.
Try as I might,
I just wasn't strong enough
To go at a faster pace
Than a sluggish stumble.

I made it down the road
Staggering past glaring street lamps
Huffing my way up hills
Keeping to the shadows
So no one could see me from their apartment windows.

There was no one outside the safety of their home;
Few citizens had disobeyed curfew
Since the plague had taken over.
The streets were empty,
And the moon rose
Like a glowing jewel
Whose light would incinerate everyone outside
But me
For if they disobeyed the rules
And left the safety of their home
Heaven knows
They would suffer the consequences.

It must've been close to midnight.

The only thing keeping me
From passing out
Due to exhaustion
And the drugs your father had frequently dosed me with
In those horrible, horrible labs
Was the thought
Of seeing you again.

Because you,
You were my Hope.

Without you
I had nothing to live for
Without you
The struggle,
The fight, and
The journey
Would all be pointless.

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