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Song: Undone by FFH

Make or BreakI leant forward,Fingers hesitantly reaching outTo stroke your face,Both feeling and seeing you shiver at my touch

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Make or Break
I leant forward,
Fingers hesitantly reaching out
To stroke your face,
Both feeling and seeing you shiver at my touch.


I whispered,

"I'm going to fix this, I promise."

And I placed a gentle kiss
On the tip of your nose,
Smiling as some of the light
Returned to your eyes.

There was something sprouting in my heart,
But what was it?
The feeling felt familiar,
But so foreign,
Like an old friend
Whom I hadn't seen in years.
And then it dawned on me what it was:
That was what I felt.
Oh, how I'd missed
That wonderful feeling.

And I was about to tell you
Of this beautiful, slowly returning sensation
Seeping deep into the depths of my soul
Like rays of sunshine,
Like warm hot chocolate on a frigid winter day,
But then our moment was interrupted
The lab door

The elderly woman
Standing in the doorway
Eyes wide
And mouth agape.
My hand flew out
And grasped yours,
Holding on tightly.
I didn't want you to worry
Even though
We had been discovered
Even though
This woman could be the end
Of our everything.

"Who are you?"
She exclaimed.
I stood stock still,
Frozen with fear.
My mind flew at a thousand miles an hour
As that fear quickly manifested.

I was afraid.
Afraid of what might happen to you
Afraid of what might happen to me
Afraid that we would be separated yet again...
Afraid because I couldn't handle that.
I wasn't strong enough to make it on my own.
I needed you
In my life.


I started, then stopped.
What do you say
To a total stranger
Who holds the power
To make or break you?

I knew much about the world
And the people who lived in it,
But in that very moment
I didn't have a clue
What to say
Or how to react.

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