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Song: Skinny Love cover by Birdy

Left BehindWhen the plague came, Everyone felt it

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Left Behind
When the plague came,
Everyone felt it.
Everyone suffered,
Even though
Not everyone got sick.
And even though
I was never infected,
I still felt sick.

I remember two distinct things
About the day
My world came crashing down:
My mother screaming
As the officials took her away,
And two
My heart pounding as she cried out for me
Not to touch her
Not to catch the illness.

But I didn't listen.

I grabbed her arm
And held on tight,
Refusing to let go.

"Oliver, NO!"


One of the officials pulled me away and
Took a syringe from his back pocket.
I heard screaming, but didn't realize that I
Was the one doing the screaming
Until much later.

"Oliver! Please!"

I can still hear her voice in my head.
I can still recall her
Her struggling to breathe
As two officials loaded her into the ambulance.

"Please! Stop! Take care of him, not me! He should be taken care of first! He needs to be treated before I am if he's sick!"

I wasn't.

The official checking me for the plague squinted
The way an old woman squints at her prescription bottles
To make sure she's taking the right pills,
And I knew
Right away
That something wasn't right.

"You don't have it."

He finally said.

"I- what?"

"You don't have the plague. Congrats, kid."

Well, that's a great thing
To tell a child
Who's just watched his sick mother
Get dragged away
Against her will
Into an ambulance
Traveling to a quarantine
Which no one ever returns from
Right before his very eyes.

I stared at that man
The man who had just told me
Something that had to be impossible
And watched him pack up his medical kit
And go, leaving me

I wasn't sick.

I was supposed to be sick.

Why wasn't I sick?

I waited
And waited
And waited some more
Over the course of the next few days,
But I never got sick.
I didn't even show symptoms.

It was the day I received that letter
Telling me my mother was dead
That I realized:
I had to be immune.

My mother held on to the earth
Fighting for her life
For an unusually long time
Considering she had the sickness.

But when I realized
That she was going to die,
And I wasn't,
None of that mattered.

Because on
The very same day you and I kissed for the first time
On the little green bench beneath our tree
The very same day I received the letter
The very same day I realized I was immune
Was also the very same day
They took you away from me.

I wasn't sick,
Yet here I was,
While the rest of you all moved on
To leave me behind.

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