Little sibling OC X Sick!Reader

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People are into this, right? Eh, I wrote this by the way...

You were in bed, not feeling the best when suddenly your little brother burst into the room with a bowl of soup.

"Whoa careful, I don't want you spilling that on yourself." You may have been the sick one, but you still felt the need to worry about him. He brought over the soup along with a bed table.

"There, now eat up I want you to get better as soon as possible!" He was just too adorable, you nodded and picked up the spoon he had provided you with. Blowing on the soup beforehand, you took a bite, you swallowed hard trying to resist the urge to spit it out.

"Wow, that was... great Gent." You gave him your most genuine smile and took another bite.

"Really!? I'm glad you like it! Do you need anything while I'm here?" He looked at you eager to run off at your command. You swallowed the bite you just took and nodded.

"Actually, could you get me a drink? I'm a little thirsty." You raised your spoon to take another bite as he nodded and ran off. Putting the spoon down as soon as he left the room, you got up with the bowl and go to your bathroom.

"Sorry Gent, I just can't eat this whole thing..." You pour a good amount of it in the sink and hurry back to the bed. Your timing seemed perfect as he came in as soon as you covered up with the blanket. Gent put down the glass of water and gave a smile.

"Here's some water! How are you feeling?" He looked at you, concern on his face. You forced another bite of soup down your throat.

"Oh I'm feeling much better, the soup helped a lot, I think I'll take a nap now actually." You took a sip of water, grateful you ask for it. Gent grabbed the bed table and headed to the door, almost dropping it.

"Ok! I'll take care of this, you have a good nap!" You smiled as he left, giggling to yourself as he almost runs into the door. After he leaves you got cozy in the bed and got ready to take a nap. 'Gent may have brought me some not so good soup, but it was nice that he cared for me like that' you drift into a peaceful slumber as you think of what a great brother you have.

Welp hope you enjoyed that, it was short but I didn't really know what to write. I think most of my one-shots are gonna be about this big, so get used to it. Anywho see ya in the next one-shot!

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