No Soul X Deppressed!Reader

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Ok, so same talent, gender fluid, and it's about the same backstory as the 8ball one with a few tweaks. So a No soul one is really hard seeing as, if I want to stay true to the character, he would be really friendly towards you and seem interested but he's not. So yeah don't expect lovey-dovey stuff I guess. I also didn't know how to make reader depressed because I feel like it's all been done before, so the reader will be depressed after. You'll see. I did my best so you can enjoy it!

I was moving into the empty trailer on the lot when Issac stopped me from entering. He seemed a little panicked as he spoke.
"Ok, so uhm (y/n).. Jeez, how to explain this.. Ok, I need to pull you aside for a second and explain something. You can just put that box down for a sec." I was a little confused but I put the box down and followed him inside the trailer.
"Uhm so what do you need to explain?" I looked at him curiously, waiting for an answer.
"So I have a friend that may or may not be allowed here and you'll be bunking with him." I got the situation now.
"So you want help keeping him a secret?" Isaac let out a breath when I understood what he was saying.
"Yes, I would really appreciate if you do." I gave him a smile.
"Ok, my lips are sealed." I did a motion like I was zipping my lips closed. I was a little excited, to be honest. A stowaway in the circus that was to be kept secret at all costs. Well, he wasn't really a stowaway since the circus didn't move and I was sure it wasn't that important to keep him secret. It's not like he would be killed or anything. At least I hoped that wasn't the case.
"Oh thank god. No soul you can come out now." A figure slowly lost transparency and came to view a bit to the side of Issac.
"Woah! You can go invisible?" I was pretty surprised by that.
"Ah, yes in a way." He didn't seem excited or sad, just neutral.
"So why do you have to hide?" Isaac stepped in and answered for him.
"Miggy doesn't like him just because he's from Zlo. It's stupid.. Oh hey, do you want me to help you move in your stuff? I did kind of interrupt you.." I perked up a bit.
"Oh, yes, please. I'll talk to you later.. No soul was it?" No soul nodded and sat down at the table.
"I vill help you unpack vhen you are done."

After Issac and I moved in all my boxes Issac left and I started to unpack with No soul's help.
"So, why No soul?" No soul shrugged.
"I don't know. Issac gave me name and it stuck." He focused on the items in one of the boxes as he took them out.
"Oh.. Maybe I'll ask Issac then." I focused back in the box I was working on as No soul spoke.
"So you are new circus performer. Vhat is your talent?" I perked up at the question, looking over to him.
"Oh! I can read minds, but not like you'd think. I have to be touching the person and they have to be willing in order for it to work as best as possible. I can show you if you'd like." No soul seemed a bit intrigued as he nodded.
"Ok let's go to the table. We both sat down on opposite ends and I held out my hands and gestured for him to take them. He put his hands in mine and I closed my eyes.
"Now just allow me to enter your mind and it should work." I suddenly felt a pang in my chest as I felt almost void of any emotion, yet somehow I wanted to cry. There was definitely something up with No soul. I quickly pulled my hands away from him, not wanting to feel that way any longer. I knew it would linger for a while with how strong it was but I could hope. Tears brimmed my eyes but I quickly wiped at my eyes so they couldn't fall.
"Vhat is wrong? Are you hurt?" No soul seemed concerned but I was finding that hard to believe with what I had just felt from him.
"N-no I'm not hurt.. Just- I feel the other's emotions when I read their minds.. But I.. I felt like I had none. Are-are you ok..?" I really hoped something was just wrong on my end. No soul blinked a few times at my response, his expression becoming more and more blank.
"Yes, I am fine. You don't need worry. It is nothing. I.. need to go someplace for a bit." He got up and headed for the door. I wanted to be alone as well after that, so I didn't stop him from leaving.

So my idea was that Reader would end up being affected by it for a while and end up getting depressed over No soul's reading session. I felt like that made sense. Sorry I can't depression.. This was requested by eantel I'm sure this isn't exactly what you wanted but I hope you liked it anyway. Remember, go eat a cupcake!

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