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This is a story I wrote like 2 years ago or something. I'm not gonna finish it, but I thought it was good enough to at least post here. Enjoy!

It was a normal day when Beccy (Becky) woke up. She stretched out of bed turning off her alarm clock, it was currently 11:00. She groaned as she realized she overslept, but dismissed it rather quickly, going through her door to the kitchen. She opened the fridge looking for something to eat but didn't want to make anything.

"I haven't gone out in a while maybe I could go to that cafe across the street..." She mumbled to herself, which she found herself doing often.

"But that would involve getting dressed and that involves effort, do I really want to do that?" She was torn. She wanted to go, but at the same time, she rather stay home. After going through pros and cons, she decided to go. She put on a shirt with a fluffy jacket and some pants, it was pretty chilly after all. She went to the front door and put her sneakers on and grabbed her bag heading out the door and to the elevator.

At the cafe, she ordered one of her favorite drinks during this time of year, pumpkin spice eggnog. She sipped her drink loving every bit of it. Consumed in her drink, she hadn't noticed when someone sat across from her.

"You don't mind if I sit here right? There aren't any other tables free." She looked up a little startled from the sudden voice. She jumped almost spilling her drink and yelped while saving the cup.

"S-sorry if I startled you!" She looked at the stranger now seeing it was a guy about her age. He had black hair that was messy in a good way. His eyes were almost an electric blue and they had a soft look to them. She stared up at him and got lost in thought.

"Uhh... are you ok? I didn't scare you too bad, right?" She shook her head getting out of the daze she was in.

"N-no of course not I just got lost in thought, sorry! Oh and I don't mind at all if you sit here!" She gestured for him to sit in the seat across from her and he happily sat down.

"Thanks!" He took a sip from his cup looking out the window occasionally.

"So, what did you get" Beccy looked at him confused. "Your drink" he pointed. "What did you get?" Her face lit up with realization and quickly answered.
"Oh! I got pumpkin spice eggnog it's my favorite... What did you get?"

"I got Chocolate eggnog! I've always been a sucker for chocolate" She giggled.

"I don't blame you" They talked for a while before the stranger checked the time.

"Whoa, time sure flies when you're having fun" Beccy checked the time herself, finding it was already 1:00.

"Wow it does, it feels like it's only been a few minutes" She also noticed that she was out of eggnog and she had finished her food.

"Well I have to go I have to meet up with someone... I hope we meet again" He smiled and got up.

"Yeah I had fun thanks for chatting with me" She smiled back and got up as well.

"Hey before you leave wanna get another drink, on me?" He walked to the other side closer to her now.

"Yeah! I'd love one for the road." They walked over to the counter and they ordered another eggnog each. While waiting for the drinks Beccy looked over to the man and asked.

"Before I forget, what's your name?"

"Oh wow we talked that whole time and I never even asked that I feel dumb. Anyway, I'm Mark" he grabbed their drinks and handed Beccy hers.

"I'm Beccy, two c's no k" She took a sip of the eggnog.
"Ooh fancy" He chuckled and they left the store before they parted.

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