A Diary in 2069

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Heyo, just trying out story ideas because I haven't gotten any requests and I'm struggling to think of something to write.

In the year 2069 life is great, for the people who have money anyway. The economy crashed a few times over the decades but that's expected to happen. On the bright side, we've made better ways to reduce waste, take care of it, and recycle. It's a law now basically. That's beside the point, I'm Sally (I know such a great name) and I'm just your average almost adult. I like hoverboarding, the occasional book, and space! That last one was a little random I know. My mom wanted me to write this diary for the new year since I'll officially be an adult soon. I'll try to update this from time to time.


Something amazing has happened to me and I still can't believe it! I got accepted to the most prestigious space school in probably the whole world! Starview university! It's a school that's in space! It's been my dream to go there and I can't believe I got in. Not to mention a full paid scholarship. I'm not saying my family is poor but we definitely couldn't afford to send me there without this. The school is known to have the highest prices of any other school. It makes sense though seeing as it is in space. I've been working so hard to get here and I can't wait to start!

P.S. sorry for not updating in so long 'ovo


My first day was a total disaster! I can't believe I thought I could go here.. I'll explain further when I get home.
Ok so this guy, he's like super cute and oh my God I can't even explain! I accidentally run into him and drop all my books like some cliche thing in a movie right? I'm not expecting some stupid romantic thing but I at least expected some help, but oh no, what does he do? He scoffs, tells me to watch where I'm going and almost steps on my shit as he walks away! Like I can't believe someone would do that! I am just so peeved! I'll tell you more when I've calmed down, I need food..

So that's what I've got so far. I like it and I might continue it despite how popular it may or may not be. It's a fun little thing and you get to follow this girl on her journey through college, in space! If you enjoy this comment or vote, do something to say you like it so I know if you want more of this. If it's wanted enough I might make a separate book for it and each entry can be a chapter? Or I'll have like 5 entries per chapter. That's an issue for if and when. Anyway! I hope you liked this and remember, go shove a cupcake in your mouth!

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