Mysto X Reader Pt 2

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Ok so I know this wasn't requested, but @FuntimeFreddy1012 really wanted this, how could I say no!? Anyway, he helped me out with how to continue this, I was at a loss, so some credit goes to him as well! Enjoy!

You ran around the corner looking for that boy, well you weren't sure exactly what he was but you still felt you needed to help him. You continued down the hall where you assumed he was, looking around frantically for him. There was a blur of color down another hallway and you followed it, seeing it was in fact the boy.

"Hey wait! I just want to help!" You shouted out when suddenly the lights went out one by one. 'Oh shoot' The restaurant was almost pitch black inside. There was a small light from the windows a bit away but it really didn't do much for you. You weren't sure what was going on but your only guesses we're a power outage or the place was closed. You didn't think that much time had passed so you were leaning more towards the power outage.
"Hello!?" You managed to get your hands onto the wall and opted to go back the way you came. You weren't sure if it was the right way though since you had taken a few turns.
"Anyone out here!?" You were honestly getting worried that no one was answering you. It was seeming the latter scenario was more likely with what was happening. Shivers were going down your spine as you heard small noises here and there. They really didn't seem natural and they made you want to run bit you knew you couldn't with how dark it was.
"Is anyone out there!? Please.." It was getting harder and harder to continue as it seemed to just get darker the further you went. You decided to try one more shout before you'd come to the conclusion it was closing time.
"Hello!?" You were looking around a bit as you stopped walking. You froze a bit as you felt something behind you, something big.

WOAH! That was spoopy! I kind of lost motivation to do this and kind of dropped it. Sorry! I honestly don't remember if this is the direction I was going but I really like the creepiness of it. Hope you enjoyed and go eat a cupcake!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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