Guiseppe x Child!Reader

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This one is probably my favorite! I love fluff it's just, so great. -w- This is the LAST request from the other book I had found so if you want more please request! This was requested by PixelViolet. Enjoy the story!

Your Mom and Dad were taking you to the Big Top today and you were really excited. It was your first time going and you just couldn't wait as you walked to it. You were almost six now so it was a pretty big deal for you. You had seen almost all of the performers in pictures and newspapers and already knew who your favorite was. You could never pronounce his name but it was Guiseppe. He was an odd slime person and he was super silly. Your Mom had read to you that he was only five but you couldn't believe it since he was so tall. When you got to the Big Top you were looking around for him. You really wanted to meet him and ask if he really was five. You spotted him at a stand and tugged at your Mom's hand for her to come with.
"Mom, Mom, look! He's over there!" She laughed a bit as she followed you over to Guiseppe. You went over to him and were bouncing with excitement. The first thing you said was what you've been dying to ask.
"Are you actually five?!" Guiseppe looked over to you with a big smile.
"Of course I am! How old are you?!" He definitely had a childish aura about him.
"I'm almost six!" You held your fingers up to show him. He seemed almost amazed at that.
"Wow! That means you're almost a year older than me! Oh, by the way, I'm Guiseppe but you can just call me Gep." You were pretty glad he had a nickname.
"Ok Gep! I'm (y/n)!" You gave him a big smile and were pretty glad to meet him.
"Are you going to be watching the show?!" Gep seemed genuinely excited to hear the answer and that hyped you up so much more.
"Yeah! It's my first time here so I'm really excited!" Gep smiled widely at your excitement and clapped his hands a bit.
"I can't wait to perform now! I'll be looking for you in the stands (y/n)!"

You and your parents were sitting down now as you were bouncing with joy. It had been about half an hour now since you met Gep and you couldn't wait much longer to see him perform. Suddenly a spotlight came down on the stage and the ringmaster was brought into view. He said a few things about the act and a brief summary of when everybody would be performing. Gep was going to perform more in the middle of the show. You really enjoyed every act that was before Gep, like the fire person. A lot of people laughed but you weren't sure why. You were mostly in awe that they caught on fire! Then there was a bunny on a tight rope. The sight definitely scared but impressed you. Finally, it was Gep's turn to perform and you were practically standing with glee to see him.
"Next up the flexible slime boy Guiseppe!" Gep walked out onto the stage with a pretty tiny box. You were a little confused as he placed it down. Gep saw you and waved a bit to you before looking back to the box. You smiled widely at him noticing you and felt pretty special. The feeling went away quickly as you focused your attention on what Gep was doing. He suddenly jumped to where the box was and your eyes widened as he fit into it quickly. It was really impressive and you just couldn't believe it.

After the show, you were brought up to the front of the tent as you wanted to tell Gep what a great performance he and his friends did. As soon as you spot him you ran to him, dragging your parent along.
"Gep, Gep! You did so good! And the fire person was super cool and so was the bunny and magic guy! You were the best though!" You were just so excited you couldn't contain it. Gep laughed as he smiled brightly.
"Thank you (y/n)!! I'm so glad you liked it! Oh, here!" He pulled out a piece of paper and signed it as best he could, handing it too you after.
"My autograph!" He was pretty proud of it. You smiled widely as you hugged it to your chest with glee.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

Finally finished this. I don't know why I put these off so much. So update on mah life. I graduated, might be getting a job soon and I have a bank account! Yay, adulting! I may do something original next but I need an idea first. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and remember, go eat a cupcake!

One-Shots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang