Chapter Two

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“Adam, seriously give my bag back, were going to be late for school” Chase said trying to jump for his bag.

His brother laughed. “Alight fine” he said.

“Thank you, we better get going or else were going to be late for school”

“Okay, let me just get my lunch first”

Adam walked into the kitchen and Mr. Davenport and Tasha come from upstairs carrying some suitcases.

“Okay Tasha, do you think that you have everything?”

“I think so…”

“What do you mean you ‘think so’, you packed everything but the kitchen sink”

“You can pack a sink?” Adam said surprisingly.

The three of them looked at him and shook their heads. Leo and Bree soon came into the room. “Hey mom, where are you going?” Leo asked.

“I have a two month conference in Florida. I want you to be on your best behaviour young man” she said going to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“I will mom”

“Well you guys better get going to school and I have a plane to catch” she said heading out the door.

“I will see you guys later” Mr. Davenport said.

The four of them waved at them as they shut the door. “Okay guys, we better get going” Chase said.

“But I haven’t eaten breakfast yet” Bree said sadly.

“Well grab a banana and let get going” Chase said.                                                            

 His sister roller his eyes and did as she was told. The four them then headed off to school.

The four them soon arrived at school and waited for the bell to ring. “Do you ever think that Marcus is ever going to come back?” Leo asked randomly.

His brothers and sister looked at him “No, why do you ask?” Bree said to him.

“I don’t know, I just have a funny feeling about it. That’s all” Leo said shrugging his shoulders.

“Well if he does, which is unlikely, we will be ready for him” Chase said confidently.

“Right!” Adam smiled. “He will have to say hello to thunder, and lighting!” he said kissing his muscles.

“What about the rest of us?” Bree said to him.

“You can say hi to him if you want”

Chase smiled “Well there’s no need to worry about anything cause he’s not coming back” Chase turned around and bumped into someone and they both fell to the ground. “Watch were you going bud-“ but he cut his sentence off and he opened his mouth. Before him was a beautiful girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.

“Sorry” the girl said picking up her books.

“No, it’s my fault” he said helping her. Chase gave the book back to her and continued to stare at her. She smiled.

“So, you must be new” Bree said trying to break the awkwardness.

“Um, yea. My name is Lizzy” she said to them.

“Well my name is Bree. This is Adam, Leo, and Chase… my brothers” she finished.

“Wow, you must get tired of them” Lizzy said to her.

“Tell me about it”

Chase continued to stare at Lizzy and she blushed a little. “Yo, earth to Chase!” Adam said slapping his brother.

“What the heck was that for!” he yelled coming back into reality.

“Well you began to drool a little” his brother said to him.

Chase whipped his mouth and smiled “Sorry. So where did you live before Lizzy?”

“Me? I lived…. In…. um, Swizerland”

“That is so cool. I hear they have the best cheese there” Adam smiled.

Bree looked at him and laughed. “Anyway” she said looking at Lizzy “So what made you want to move here?”

“Oh, my cre- I mean cousin lives here and my parents sent me here to live with him and his family for a while”

“Really? Does your cousin go to this school?” Leo asked.

“Um… I have to go, bye!” she said running off.

“Well that was weird” Leo said.

“Not as weird as that” Bree said pointing to her brother. “Chase” she said hitting him.

“Ow, can everybody stop hitting me!” he screamed.

“I think you have a little crush on the new girl” she said.

“No I don’t”

“Sure you do buddy” Adam said. “And it won’t be the first time a girl will reject you once you tell her”

Chase rolled his eyes “I’m going to class”


Chase walked into his Chemistry class and sat in his usual seat.

The bell rang and his teacher walked in. “Hello class” his teacher said.

“Hello” they all replied.

“Well, we have a new student today” he said. “She has come all the way from Switzerland and I want you to give her a nice welcome. Please welcome Lizzy Raden Vopt. Chase’s heart stopped once Lizzy walked into the room. “Lizzy, are classroom is a bit tight by there is a spare seat next over there” he said pointing at him.

“Okay” she said walking to take a seat. She looked at Chase and smiled “Hey, don’t I know you?”

Chase blushed “Um, I’m the guy who bumped into you. Again, I am so-“

“Don’t worry about it” she replied.

Chase smiled back at her. “So. I was just wondering, not trying to be a creep or anything, you want to get a smoothie after school”

“A smoothie?” she asked.

“While I show you around town that is.. you don’t have to if you don’t want to, I me-“

Lizzy laughed “I would love to”

My Creator Marcus: EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now