Chapter Three

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After school, Adam, Leo and Bree where in sitting down in the kitchen, still wondering where Chase was.

“Man, I wonder where he is” Leo said sipping a cup of juice.

“Maybe he's still in his Chess club” Adam said.

“No, he has that on Friday’s. Today is Tuesday”. Bree said to his brother.

“Maybe he died!” Eddy said happily.

“Eddy, if he died don’t you think we would have known?” Adam said to him.

“Maybe he died and erased your memory”

“That is a good point”

Bree and Leo hit his brother to show that Eddy was being silly.

Eddy disappeared and Mr. Davenport came into the kitchen. “Hey guys, where’s Chase?”

“We didn’t see him after school” Leo said.

“What, then where did he go?”

“We don’t know” Bree said to him.

“Well where ever he is he better be home soon. You guys have a job to do for me”

“Which is?” Bree said.

“Help me clean out the garage” they all looked at him. “What, I just need help moving a few hundred boxes”.

They all rolled his eyes and then there was knock on the door.

“I’ll get it” Leo said getting up from where he was sitting. He went to the door and opened it and was surprised to see Chase standing there with Lizzy.

“Hello” he said walking in with her.

“Chase, where the hell have you been?” Mr. Davenport said to him.

“Relax, I was showing this young lady around the neighborhood.

“Hi, I’m Lizzy Raden Vopt. It’s very nice to meet you” she said reaching her arm to give Mr. Davenport a shake.

“Well hello Lizzy” he said.

“Lizzy came all the way from Swizerland” Chase smiled.

“Really? So Lizzy, you just moved here?”

“Yea, I live two blocks away from you guys”  she said.

“Really, what made you want to move into this neighborhood”

“I actually live with my cousin. My parents thought it would be a nice idea to stay with him”

“That’s nice”

“So Lizzy” Bree said coming to the door. “You wanna go to the mall sometime? We can get our nails done”

“Yea, because getting your hair done, buying new clothes, and looking at cute boys isn’t enough” Chase said to her.

Lizzy laughed “Of course I will like to go with you. It will be nice to get away from Mar-vin for a while”

“Who’s Marvin?” Adam asked

“My cousin” she said quickly. She looked at Chase. “Thanks again Chase, see you tomorrow?”

“I can’t wait”

Lizzy smiled and gave him a small peck on the cheek and left. Chase blushed and shut the door. He then turned around to see the others staring at him with a grin. “What?” he said.

“I think someone likes you” Mr. Davenport said.

Chase rolled his eyes. “Please, I think I would know if she did or not” he then kept quiet for a while and said “She said she would really like to know me better”

“Awww” Bree said to him. “Looks like this girl is a keeper”

“I don’t know” Leo said to her. “She might just say that then leave once she knows Chase is in the chess club”.


Dear Diary. My creator Marcus sent me to school today. There, I met my new friends Adam, Bree, Chase and Leo. They seem like nice people. Especially Chase. He seems really cute and easy to talk to. Hope I get to know him even better tomorrow.


“So, how was school Lizzy?” Marcus asked as he stepped into his lab.

“It was nice” she said happily putting her diary away.

“Anybody know about your bionics?”


“Made any new friends?”

“I met some people called Adam, Bree, Leo and Chase”

Marcus stopped in his tracks and looked at her.

“You met who?”

“Adam, Bree, Leo and Cha-“

“I know what you said!”

“Chill. They seem nice. Chase even took me to get smoothies, then he gave me a tour of town, then I saw his house and-“

“You did what?” he said raising an eyebrow.

“What’s the problem, do you know them or somthing?”

“Yes” he said growling.

“Then what’s the matter?”


Lizzy looked at him and blinked. “Are you su-“

“Just get upstairs, pizza is here”

“Yea dinner time!” Lizzy said running out of the lab with her super speed.

Marcus looked at her and smiled. His face then turned into a frown once she left. He then went to a small desk and pulled out a picture from one of the drawers and smiled devilishly. “You guys don’t know what’s coming your way, and poor Lizzy doesn’t know either”.

My Creator Marcus: EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now