Chapter Nine

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“Wake up Chase” a voice said.

“Just five more minutes” he grumbled.

“Chase” the voice said again.

Chase groaned and opened his eyes. He found himselfin a small room which looked like a lab. He was strapped on a wooden table with a glass cylinder surrounding him. “Where the hell am I?” he screamed.

“Don’t you know Chase?” a voice said coming closer to the glass.

“Marcus, untie me right now!” Chase growled at him.

“I don’t think that is possible” he grinned. Chase tried to struggle out of the straps but Marcus laughed. “The more you struggle the tighter they get” he said.

“What do you want?” he said finally giving up.

“I merely want to finish what my ‘father’ didn’t. To control you, and the others, and use you guys for MY OWN use.”

“Which is?”

Marcus laughed. “Oh sweet innocent Chase. Now why would I tell you?” he walked away from the glass and went to some control panels. He pressed a couple of buttons and Chase began to scream. “Now Chase, it won’t hurt unless you allow it” he said.

“Ju-st le-t me go. I wo-nt tell anyone!” Chase said.

Marcus shook his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, you already know too much.”

Sorry for the short chapters but I am having a writer’s block. I am also feeling extremely stressed with everything that is happening at home and getting ready for school. I will update as soon as I can. Thanks! :) 

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