Chapter Seven

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"What?" Chase said taking a step away from her.

"You heard her. I am her 'Creator' and my little princess here is bionic." He said rapping his arm around her shoulder.


"I'm really sorry Chase. I really wanted to tell you. I really did but Marcus wouldn't let me. He said that when people found out about him, he was nearly killed luckily he survived. He didn't want the same to happen to me and-"

Chase laughed.  "Well this has been nice" he said gathering his things and headed for the door.

"Not so fast" Marcus said levitating a book and throwing it against the door. He then used his mind to lock it.

"Marcus just leave him alone" Lizzy said. "He did nothing to you."


"Marcus, I don't have to know. Just let the past go!"

"No" he said. He then turned around and used his mind to pick up a vase and through it at her.

"Lizzy look out" Chase said and used his force shield to block it from her. Lizzy then turned to him and her mouth was wide open. "You bionic?" she said to him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well didn't you tell me about Marcus?" he said to her, wishing that he never helped her.

"Marcus said that if I did you would try to kill me like you did to him"

"He was the one who tried to kill us!" Chase said to her.

Lizzy looked at him. "Marcus?"

He laughed. "Okay so I lied to you. In fact, the only reason why I even made you is to get closer to my chance of revenge."

"Revenge on what, for nearly killing us?" Chase said to him.

"You left me to die. YOU COULD HAVE SAVED ME! But no. My so called father and all of you left me there. But I knew that I had to get even" he sneered.

Chase laughed "Well I don't care because your father said that you wouldn't even make it to your 16th birthday. You're like 15 ½ now?"

Marcus smiled "Yea I am still 15 and I am turning 16 in the next few months. But you don't think I knew that?"

"What do you mean-"

"Just because I was recharging doesn't mean that I still can't hear everything that is going on Chase Davenport" he walked up to him and smiled. "Still can't believe you weren't able to figure out that Lizzy was all part of this."

"Lizzy, care to explain?" he said looking at her.

"Chase I have no idea what her is talking-"

"Her last name." Marcus said interrupting her. If you rearrange the letters in Raden Vopt, it spells Davenport. If you  had paid attention to her last name, you would have asked your daddy about this and probably tracked me down. But I guess I was too smart for you"

Chase looked at him and then to Lizzy. "You tricked me"

Lizzy shook his head and held his hand. "Chase I had no idea Marcus was still out to get you. He just said you were bad people and-"

"So you knew about this?"

"She doesn't know what I am planning" he corrected him.

"What are you planning?" they said.

"Why would I tell you? That would ruin the fun" he smiled.

 "Not if I tell them about it first, Lizzy unlock the door" Chase said sprinting towards it. Marcus then stopped him with his mind. He then lifted Chase in the air with his hand and dropped him with a big 'thud'. He then walked up to the groaning Chase.

"Leave him alone!" Lizzy screamed attacking Marcus.

"You stupid little girl" he said pushing her off. He then faced her. His eyes started to glow.

"Why Marcus. I thought you were the kind, warm and tender type of guy. I really thought you were the best Creator/brother a girl could ask for. "

"Well you thought wrong princess" he said to her.

Lizzy cried "Marcus, you have to let go of the past"

"NO!" and with that, he picked her up and threw her on the other side of the room.

"Fine." She said teleporting herself out of the room.

"LIZZY!" Chase said.

"Oh I will deal with her later" he said walking up to Chase was had managed to get himself up. Marcus grabbed his neck and picked up. His eyes began to get more greener and brighter as Chase struggled for breath. "You can trust me Chase. I only want to help you become more than you are right now"

"I-don't-n-eed-your-h-elp" he stuttered.  

Marcus smiled "Just look into my eyes Chase and everything will be fine"

Chase refused and in a matter of moments, Marcus dropped him on the ground. He let out a cry and Marcus let out an evil laugh. He then walked away from Chase and looked into the window. "They all thought that I was dead. Boy were they wrong. And now, they're all going to pay". Marcus whispered to himself. Chase looked at him and let the dark welcome him.


So what do you think about Marcus???


My Creator Marcus: EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now