Chapter Eleven

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The four of them gasped. “Wait so there is two Chases? Great. More people for me to punch” Adam said.

“No Adam. There is only one Chase. But the other is-“

“Marcus?” Chase said (the one that came out of the shadows).

The other Chase smiled and tore a mask off his face to relive his true self. “Hello Davenports” he said.  “Adam, Bree, Leo. It’s been a while” he smirked.

“You forgot about Thunder and Lighting!” Adam said showing his muscles. Bree pushed his arms back down.

“Chase get away from Marcus” Leo said.

“Oh, Chase doesn’t listen to you guys. He only listens to my voice now”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll show you. Chase, destroy them”

“As you wish” he said. His eyes began to glow and he used his mind to lift the three of them from the ground and dropped them with a thud. Bree got up and ran to her brother and flipped him. Chase got back up and kicked her to the ground.

“Alright Adam, your turn” Leo said to him.

“Yes, I finally get to hurt Chase for a good reason” Adam smiled and ran to his brother, picked him and threw him across the yard.

Chase then got up and sneered. “You will pay for that” he said and used his force field as a ball and threw it to Adam, which caused him to fly towards the backdoor and fall to the ground.

Marcus laughed and he walked up to Leo along with Chase. “What are you going to do now Leo?” Marcus said raising an eyebrow. “You don’t have any bionics. So your basically toast”

“Ooo I want toast” Adam said.

Marcus looked at him and shook his head. “Chase, get rid of Leo”

“My pleasure” he sneered and picked Leo with his mind and started to make a force shield (in a form of a ball). “Say goodnight Leo” he smiled.

“Leave them alone” a voice said. A laser then came out of nowhere, hitting Chase in the back, causing him to fall down and making Leo fall as well.

Marcus looked around and smiled. “Lizzy. You made it just in time for the party. I’m glad you could join us”

“Marcus this all has to stop” Lizzy said to him.


“Chase, you have to listen to me. Please stop”

Chase looked at her and smiled. “Why would I stop?”

Marcus smiled “Chase, take care of Lizzy while I take care of the others”

“Of course” he said. Lizzy looked at him and smiled. She ran up to Chase and pushed him to the ground. Marcus left with the others to go and deal with them. Chase got up and smiled. He then kicked her in the stomach and punched her in the chest. “Dance Princess, Dance” he sneered.

Lizzy looked at him and put him in a head lock. “Chase listen to me. Marcus is controlling. He is only using you”

Chase pushed her away. “Stop lying. He is not using me. He promised that he would make me everything that I ever wanted”

“Chase, don’t believe him. Just please, snap out of it. Your family is in danger!”

Chase smiled. “Family? The same family that makes fun of me, that says I am weak, a wimp, that I can’t do anything that is worth something, that I can’t get a girl friend?” he looked at her and she said nothing. “Yea, that’s what I thought”.

My Creator Marcus: EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now