Chapter Four

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Three Weeks Later

“Chase, hurry up! Your breakfast is getting cold!” Mr. Davenport yelled. “I wonder what he is up to now”

“Well, ever since he started to date Lizzy, he has been going to bed extremely late” Adam said chewing a spoonful of eggs.

“Tell me about it. Last night, he was talking to her for like hours and they kept saying ‘no you hang up. No you hang up. It make me sick” Bree said rolling her eyes.

“Almost like how you and Rodney were doing a couple of months ago before you broke up” Leo laughed.

“It’s cute when a girl does it. But my brother, no, way” she replied squeezing her nose.

“Well if your brother does not come up in the next few seconds then you will see something that is not cute, you guys have to be in school in 30 mins” Mr. Davenport said drinking some juice.

After a few moments, Chase came upstairs wearing black jeans, a white top and a leather jacket. His hair was all spiked up and he had glasses hung over his shirt. “Sup guys” he said with a smile. Everyone looked at him and opened their months in shock. “Well?” he said to them.

“Hey look, Chase finally found clothes that fit him” Adam laughed. “You know, because you are so small and skinny”

Chase rolled his eyes and sat down to his food. “What the hell are you wearing?” Mr. Davenport asked.

“Don’t ask what, ask why!” Leo said rubbing his eyes.

“Don’t you like it? Lizzy got it for me when we went shopping last tonight. You know today is our 3 week anniversary”

“So she got you a stupid outfit and you got her nothing then?” Bree said.

“No, she got me this cool outfit, along with some other cool outfits and I got her a necklace, a bracelet and a new purse” he smiled.

“Wow, looks like you really like this girl then” Mr. Davenport said

“I do” he said smiling at him. “It’s the first time a girl actually likes me and is willing to do anything for us to be happy”

“And by happy you mean change how you look?” Leo asked

“What do you mean by change, he’s still the weak Chase that we know” Adam laughed.

Chase rolled his eyes. “Well she thought that it would be a nice idea and I actually like this new outfit”

“Chase, bus this isn’t you” Leo said to his brother.

“So, I’m always getting tired of being the smallest, weakest brother, I like this and I don’t care what you say”

“Okay, but don’t come crying to us when everyone in school laughs at you” Adam smiled.

“Don’t worry I won’t”

Suddenly the doorbell rang. “Who would be coming at a time like this” Mr. Davenport said going to the door. He opened the door and he was surprised to see who was standing there. “Lizzy? What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Chase invited me for breakfast” She said with a smile.

“Well hello beautiful” Chase said walking up to her planting a kiss on her lips.

“Okay that’s gross” Leo and Bree said at the same time.

“Oh grow up guys, I think it’s kind of cute that a girl like nerdy chase” Adam said to them.

“Chase, I have something to show you outside” she said to him.

“Sure, let me just grab my bag” he said.

“I wonder what it is” Leo said. His siblings shrugged and everyone followed outside and they couldn’t believe their eyes. Right in front of them was a big, black, shiny motorcycle.

“Happy Anniversary Chase” she said with a squeal.

“Lizzy, I don’t know what to say. I mean really, you didn’t have to buy this for me”

“Then I’ll take it” Adam said but Bree stopped him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know-“

“No, don’t be. It’s the best gift ever” Chase said hugging her.

“Um Chase, what about the gift I gave you?” Mr. Davenport said.

“Oh, you mean that toy car you wanted to play with but broke after 10 minuets?” he said to him.


“Come one Lizzy, let’s go for a ride” he said hopping onto the gift.

“What about breakfast?” she asked putting on a helmet.

“Forget that” he said giggling.

“Chase, make sure you make it to school on time”

“Yea. Whatever” he said rolling his eyes and rode away with Lizzy holding on to his back.

The others watched him go away. “Is it me or has Chase started to act different lately?” Bree asked for a while.

“I was thinking the same thing. The other day I asked if I could have his pudding cup and he just stuffed it into my face” Adam said. “I still ate it though”.

“And yesterday in Math class, when the teacher asked for him to solve a problem. He got up and erased it off the board and said ‘there, problem solved’” Leo said.

“I have also gotten some complaints from his teachers” Mr.Davenport said.

“You don’t think it’s Lizzy, do you?” Bree asked.

Leo shook his head. “I don’t know. Hey, Bree. Aren’t you going to the mall today with Lizzy?”

“Yea why” she asked.

‘Well duh, he wants to know if you are getting your nails done” Adam said rolling his eyes.

“No. Just ask Lizzy what she thinks of Chase and just see if she has noticed a difference in him.”

“Good idea Leo. We really need to know what’s up with Chase soon” Mr. Davenport replied.

“No problem. I will just go to the mall with my brother’s girlfriend and talk about my brother being her boyfriend. That should be fun” she said walking back inside.

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