Chapter Twelve

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 ‘Dear Diary. Where do I start, The last two to three months have been interesting. I made friends, I went to high school, made friends, had a ‘sister’, and a boyfriend. Chase. I will never forget that boy. He is the most funniest, cutest, and most beautiful boy that  ever met. There was a fight today and Chase was controlled and all and everything got a bit out of hand. To cut a long story short, I am moving away with my Creator Marcus so they can be safe. I don’t know though. Speaking of Marcus, he is truly evil. I never saw that side of him and I am kind of scared. He said that if anything like that happens again, I will be sorry. I don’t care. As long as Chase and his family will be safe, I don’t care. I hope to see him again someday. See you later…’

-Lizzy (who shall be known as Alice from now on)

 “Lizzy!” Marcus called.

“Coming” she said walking to where he was. They were in a hotel room and Marcus was in the bathroom.

“I really hope you have learnt your lesson” he said using a towel to dry his face.

“I have”

“Good, because next time… I won’t go easy” he said looking in the mirror.

“Yes Marcus”

Marcus looked at her and put his hand on her shoulder. “I really don’t want to go through this again. Especially with me being and android and stuff. I really need you to stay with me. Alright?” Lizzy nodded.  “Good. Now go get ready for bed”

“Yes Marcus.” Lizzy left him and slid in her bed and tears trickled down her cheek. How can she still be living with this ‘monster?’ For some reason, she still felt safe around him but she didn’t want too. “Be strong Lizzy. Be Strong” she whispered.

“Good night Lizzy” Marcus said as he slipped into his bed.

“Good Night”


It was 2 A.M and Marcus was soaring but Lizzy was wide awake. She put on the bed light and took her diary out. “I guess this is my life now. Running and hiding with Marcus. My ‘so-called’ creator. I don’t know what the future hold for me. I just hope that the Davenports will be safe and somehow, I will be reunited with my Chase again. Until then, I will be staying with my Creator, Marcus”. She put the light off and put her diary away. She closed her eyes and fell into a sleep of everlasting darkness.

So this is the end. I know it's a bit bad. Atleast i tried.

What are your thoughts on this book?

What about Marcus? Lizzy? and the others?

What about Lizzy's and Chase's realtionship?

I really hope you like this book!

Just a notice, I wont be on Wattpad as much anymore since i am starting the 11th grade in three weeks. (excited and nervous)

Just wanted to finish the book.

DWCB 2 will take longer and like i said, i am taking a brake on Wolf Whisper (also waiting for people to do the contest).

Anway. Peace and love!
-Roxy Brown

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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