Cryptotrappers- The Bigfoot Enigma

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Tuesday 29. The gash on the back if my hand is fine now. No infection, no stitches. Just a small scar, hardly noticeable. Told the doctors I got it from a rugby accident. They didn't seem convinced, especially with it being the same doctor who sorted my arm. I don't really blame them for not believing me; I wouldn't have. But another day at work had come, leaving me to wonder what today's job would be! I entered the base to find out. Something felt off as soon as I left the elevator; Eva was absent and in her place was a note.
'Meet us in the containment area. S + R,'
Cautiously, I left the main hall and walked down the corridor. I didn't feel the rope around my ankle until it was too late, and I shouted in fear as I was hoisted ankle-first into their air, dangling upside down to laughter as Sid and Randy stepped from the shadows.
"Dude, I totally told you he'd fall for it!" Randy laughed, wiping tears from his eyes.
"How's it hanging, Michael?" Sid followed, making Randy laugh even harder.
"Real funny, guys." I panted, trying to pull the rope from around my ankle. "Can I come down yet?"
"I don't know, can you?" Randy chuckled, as a firm cough came from behind me.
"Sid, Randy, those traps are for cryptids, not colleagues." Eva stated. "Now let's get to the mission. It's an interesting one, for sure. And it takes place on land, by the way, so you should be fine again, 'Exo'."
A few minutes later, and I was lying on the ground, only a little more battered from the fall than I was when I was up there. But dusting myself off, I followed the two bodyguards to check the new mission out.

"Ok, team. There is a problem regarding a stretch of farms in the British countryside. Things are being taken at night. Meat, animals... Even people. But that isn't necessarily our business, we're around to deal with cryptozoological threats, not countrycide. The interesting part is, there was a Bigfoot found at one of the farms."
Eva paused, to our confusion
"So?" Randy asked. "We have a Bigfoot, right? What makes this one so special?"
"Well." Eva continued. "This particular Bigfoot, was dead. Clawed in half, from the pictures I've seen. Head missing, upper body chewed and mangled. Not a pretty sight, I'll say. So it's all the more likely that what's doing this isn't exactly normal either. In good news, you shouldn't need to camp!"
Eva turned to the man on my right, giving a beaming smile. All eyes were on Randy.
"Do I have something on my face?" Randy nervously asked. I watched his face shift from contented confusion to dread in a matter of seconds, and joy had never turned to pleading so fast.

"No. Eva, there's no- seriously please don't make me do this."
Eva spoke more softly now.
"Look, they sounded really excited to see you! I know what you've told us, but-"
"Eva, why the hell did you think this would be a good idea! Is there seriously no other option? I can camp if we need to, anything but this. Please, Eva."
"Randy, stop being so dramatic." Eva spoke firmly. "You need to ask around for information anyway, why not someone you know? Get packed, and head down there. You can drive the three of you down there yourself."
Me and Sid sighed in unison. Randy slowly stood and led us to get packed for the mission, which we did in practically silence. Much as I wanted to ask what we'd be doing, I wasn't sure I wanted to risk it. Eventually though, we were packed, and Sid and I regretfully sat down in the back of Randy's car.
"Ok, are you all comfy?" came the voice from the driver's seat, now with just a hint of cheerfulness. We solemnly nodded.
"Great. Sid, Michael, I mean, Exo, you and I are going to go and face a group of some of the most regrettable, the most obnoxious, the most dread inducing creatures we may ever go up against."
"What are they?" Sid cautiously asked. Randy's expression was grim as he responded,
"My family..."

"Remind me again how this works?" Sid questioned as we peeled down the road. Clearly Randy was in dire spirits; he wasn't even playing music. "After all, didn't you come here specifically to get away from your family?"
"That was the plan, yeah." Randy sighed, focusing on the road alone. "And it worked, until about two years back. Then, they sent me a message, out of the blue, to let me know that they were moving overseas too, near to where I said I'd be going, and that they wanted to meet up for a family meal. Mom's 'treat', in the loosest sense of the word."
"How did you respond?" I asked, as Randy smacked his lips.
"I replied in French, told them that I didn't speak English very well, that my parents work in a mining firm in Cameroon and that they must have gotten the wrong number."
"Classy." Sid smirked, to which Randy shot him a dire glance.
"You'd do the same if you spent seventeen years living with them." Randy retorted. "Just you wait until we're there, you'll see."
And so, fifty minutes further down the road, we had reached Greenfield Farm. Whatever cryptozoological occurrence was happening there, it was time to solve it.

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