Cryptotrappers- The Reign of the Yellow-Robed King Part 1

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Day, whatever, who cares any more. The world's ended, at least for us it has, does anybody really care anymore if it's a Sunday or a Tuesday or a Thursday? If I'm coming off as nihilistic, it's hard not to these days. A lot's happened since I last updated this log.

We didn't do much for that first day; we spent it in shock. Hell, it wasn't just the first day, the first week was a void of sitting in the main hall, eating, sleeping, listening to the radio without ever daring to go out into the outside world, and see what had happened out there. We spent out time making sure that the ways in and out remained barricaded; both the one to the outside world and the one down to the place we had escaped. Not that it mattered; we had heard about Abraham, or rather whatever he became, escaping through some back entrance to the 'Deep Lab', as we've been calling it; about citizens in his presence turning into 'monsters' that attacked people on sight, about the fall of the police force, then the military, and finally we heard about the quarantining of the UK as a whole. The world had abandoned us, left us to die, just a shrinking handful of votes each day stopping us from being annihilated by every nuclear weapon in foreign government hands. We had been made into a prison for the 'Yellow King', and every other inmate had been condemned to die.

The next few weeks, we cannibalised every power source we could. The base was put onto emergency power, using only what we needed to survive. We gathered the bravery to go outside just lift enough to rip the batteries from our cars as spare power sources, we permanently switched off the teleport as it would waste too much power being on, we took the radio apart when every other accessible channel had died beyond static. We were cutting off every potential way of escape, true, but we'd also struggle to find anywhere safer than where we were right now. After all, there was food and thick walls here, and there isn't much else we could ask for.

Those weeks also began the slow process of moving the cryptids back to the main lab. True, they were moved with disgusting efficiency down to their cells by the Amber-Clad, but that was by a team of who knows how many people who seemed to be willing to lay down their life in some distant twisting of religious loyalty. Now there was five of us, in awful spirits, trying to move cryptids that had been shown the worst of humanity. The less dangerous ones we did first; Alexis, the Kasa Obake, Bruce. We also moved the ones that managed to breach containment down there, out of necessity before they caused too much damage to any of the other cryptids or themselves. Fortunately, only the Kappa and Deerman managed to breach. On average, we managed two or three cryptids moved back to their homes per day.

The outside didn't look too good in the brief moments we spent out there. We were the only things, human or otherwise, around. The birds didn't fly, the wind barely blew. It was hot, too, unbearably warm beneath the harsh sun. You wouldn't know that there were monsters out there, as the news called them, not from just standing outside. As far as we could see, there was nothing. Eva theorised that the day was too bright, too warm for the Carcosans to be out hunting, since that was almost definitely what we were dealing with from the brief news descriptions. If they were cave dwellers as we suspected, they'd likely be hiding in the now abandoned buildings by day, and hunting by night. That notion was only reinforced by the ghastly noises we heard when we tried to sleep. We didn't go out at night.

It was about the three week mark, maybe twenty five days in, where Eva began disappearing. Just a few days after we'd managed to move every cryptid back to the lab. The other four of us woke up one morning to find her gone. We scoured the lab; ensured that she hadn't left through the main entrance, to which she fortunately hadn't. It was Lucy who noticed that the desk had been moved away from the door, and Sid who found that the door had been re-barricaded from the other side. We spent that day without Eva, then practically that week; she'd return from the Deep Lab late at night and disappear back into there before we awoke. Sometimes she didn't even leave to sleep in the main lab with us. We'd notice things coming up from the Deep Lab too in the night. First a large whiteboard, then marker pens, then the mannequin. That last one was a little too upsetting for us, knowing what we knew, so Randy covered her with a sheet.

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